Kaari revolves around the life of a horse jockey in Chennai and how fate brings him to a small village in Ramanad district, who is about to witness the cruelty of money and power.
The plot revolves around four friends who are addicted to drugs.
Editorial Coordinator
To escape the wrath of the gangster whom they work for, a gang of treasure-seeking, bumbling criminals go to a hillside village, which, they don't realise is a ghost town, literally!
A tormented Mano decides to solve his problems after his break-up. But things get worse when he finds himself caught between kidnappers and a distressed couple.
A cop tasked with investigating the murder of a judge finds out that a businessman might be the key to cracking the case.
A youngster with OCD sets out to save a girl from the clutches of an international medical mafia with the help of a teddy bear which behaves like humans.
Ariyanchi is married to Ranasigam, who works in Dubai, and the couple has a little daughter. On the day of their daughter's ear piercing ceremony, a shocking news reaches the family.
Theeran é um policial encarregado de resolver o mistério por trás de uma série de roubos e assassinatos. As únicas pistas deixadas para trás são as impressões digitais dos culpados. O ponto crucial do enredo é como ele consegue resolver o caso.
The bags belonging to a young man about to break up with his lover, two bumbling criminals planning a bomb blast, a man circulating counterfeit currency, and a couple paying ransom to save their daughter get mixed up leading to so much confusion.
Jungle, an intriguing forest thriller, under the direction of Karthik Raja and Vignesh Venugopal.