Alex Bingham


The King
A cultural portrait of the American dream at a critical time in the nation’s history. Set against the 2016 American election, The King takes a musical road trip across the country in Elvis Presley's 1963 Rolls Royce.
Dear Satan
A typo in a letter causes Satan to have a change of heart.
Dear Satan
A typo in a letter causes Satan to have a change of heart.
National Disintegrations
In his latest film, Braden King ponders the Geneva Freeport, a warehouse complex in Switzerland that is said to house over 1 million works of art. A high-security tax haven for international dealers and collectors, the Freeport's exact contents remain a mystery to the general public. As people crossing borders are more to more and greater scrutiny, NATIONAL DISINTEGRATIONS examines what it means to have untold amounts of wealth and property flow freely through this extralegal space.
Robert Frank - Não Pestanejes
Robert Frank revolucionou a fotografia e o cinema independente, fosse a retratar banqueiros, estrelas de rock ou mineiros. O filme mostra-nos um artista em ação, testemunha de uma era, recordando Jack Kerouac e Allen Ginsberg, com quem filmou a Beat Generation.
The Prevailing Winds
A lone hiker searches for her sister across moorland, despite an invisible and deadly threat in the air.
The Prevailing Winds
A lone hiker searches for her sister across moorland, despite an invisible and deadly threat in the air.