Renato Schuch

Renato Schuch

Nascimento : 1980-01-01, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Renato Schuch


Der Sportpenner
Jean Noel
Charlie Meinhart lands on the bank in a Berlin park during his alcoholic search for happiness. Tired of homeless life in Germany, he makes his way to Biarritz in southwestern France on the Atlantic. Through this heavenly and, above all, sport-loving patch of earth, he suddenly starts to do sports himself. With the other homeless in tow, he becomes a sports freak. But can his new motto - no money, no home, just sport and wine - also help him find his happiness?
Sem beijos. Sem sexo anal passivo. Para Waseem, as regras são claras: se ele permitir que Lars pague por sexo, isso só funcionará de uma maneira que corresponda à sua heterossexualidade. Por um lado, um refugiado da Síria que vivia em um abrigo, do outro, um alemão rico com um apartamento de cobertura. O contraste não poderia ser maior, mas ambos se juntam em um interesse mais profundo um pelo outro. Sua relação é caracterizada pela interação de domínio e desejo de proximidade. A luta pelo poder revela gradualmente a incapacidade de esconder seus desejos e manter fachadas cuidadosamente construídas.
Zoltan Kertesz
After the death of her father Georg Inga Hauck drives together with her son Max in their home village. In her old home she meets Anna Kertesz. Inga's parents had taken Anna 28 years ago after her adult brother Zoltan mysteriously disappeared. Since the same day also Ingas was missing then six-year-old brother Magnus. Inga is being overtaken by her past in her parents' house. Soon her nerves are bare. And every day her memories come back.
Weil ich dich liebe
Bella Figura
Eric Blum
Bella Figura is a play where the stage direction "flottement" (a suspension, indeterminacy, or oscillation) occurs frequently, indicating a moment of silence when the characters and audience are left in ambiguous tension. The playwright Yasmina Reza wrote Bella Figura specifically for the Schaubühne director Thomas Ostermeier, and I imagine that she included these floating silences with him in mind.
Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents
After her mother decided that the eighteen-year-old mentally disabled Dora no longer has to take psychotherapeutic drugs, the young woman begins to blossom. The sedated teenager was never a problem for her surroundings – but new challenges arise when the pleasure-loving young woman discovers her sexuality. The family is threatened to fall apart.
Sam is a rapper, as well as his best friends. Around a football ground in Hamburg-City.