After a conviction for theft, Merwan was expelled from France, where he had lived since the age of one, to Algeria, his country of birth. In a foreign country of which he knows neither the language nor the customs, he finds himself stripped of his belongings and on the street.
On the outskirts of Algiers, Algeria. the arrival of the satellite dishes governs the lives of the inhabitants. Dissatisfied with their lives, they think of themselves as the heroes of American soap opera and movies, so JR, Sue Ellen, Rambo, Kojak, Spock and others take possession of bodies and minds, with many typical American culture elements. These heroes mix in a beautiful funny mess, with tradition and modernism, Islam and television, reality and fiction.
Vencedor do prestigiado Palma de Ouro no Festival de Cannes em 1975, “Chronique Des Années De Braise” retrata a luta da Argélia pela independência do domínio colonial francês. A história segue a migração de um camponês de sua aldeia devastada pela seca à sua eventual participação com o movimento de resistência argelina, pouco antes da eclosão da Guerra de Independência da Argélia.
In Algiers, the shock duo made up of Inspector Tahar and his sidekick L'Apprenti lead the investigation in the footsteps of a formidable bandit named "La Souris".