A troubled young woman who lives alone in a rundown house meanders around and one day reveals a hidden talent when she goes into a bar, plays magnificently at the piano, and leaves as mysteriously as she came. Meanwhile, an unidentified man is on her trail and eventually tracks her down to the bar she had visited. As the dragnet around her closes in, it becomes apparent that the young woman's stepmother is behind the effort to locate her. But questions over why she is hiding out and what she is hiding from begin to take on more importance as the history of the young woman starts to surface.
Claude Berri interpreta a si mesmo ao relatar suas próprias experiências da juventude e da adolescência. Seu pai é dono de uma lucrativa loja de peles. Inicialmente, o pai de Claude espera que seu filho assuma a loja de peles, mas depois cede ao desejo de Claude de se envolver no cinema.