Fred Emory Smith


Scooby-Doo! Gostosuras ou Travessuras
Additional Music
Na noite do Dia das Bruxas, a Máquina dos Mistérios quebrou bem no meio de uma cidade assombrada! Enquanto a turma tenta consertar a van, Scooby vai direto brincar de "gostosuras ou travessuras"! Tome cuidado com as criaturas apavorantes e ajude o Scooby a recolher o máximo de doces que puder!
Rock'n'Roll Eddie
Two kids bring in a rock-and-roll fugitive from another world pursued by merciless bounty hunters, and in order to save his life they have to find a way to send him back to where he came from.
Filho de Satã
Original Music Composer
Uma mulher tem de lhe dar com uma série de assassinatos acontecidos após o nascimento do seu filho que podem estar conectados com fatos estranhos acontecidos com o pai da criança durante uma viagem ao México.
Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
Score Engineer
Animator. Storyman. Troublemaker. At 80 years old, see how Disney Legend Floyd Norman, the first African-American animator at Disney, continues to impact animation and stir up "trouble" after the company forced him to retire at age 65.
House in the Alley
Original Music Composer
Until they lose their baby to a miscarriage, a young couple were happily settling into their new life in their spacious home. After the tragedy, Thao is inconsolable and won't let her baby's body leave the house. Normal life eludes her as terrifying visions undermine her sanity. Her husband, Thanh, experiences strange phenomena around their home and when his wife turns on him, he must race to uncover the secrets of the house in the alley before they lose their sanity and their lives.