Cicely Tyson

Cicely Tyson

Nascimento : 1924-12-19, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 2021-01-28


Cicely Louise Tyson was an American actress. In a career which spanned more than seven decades in film, television and theatre, she became known for her portrayal of strong African-American women. She received various awards including three Emmy Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Tony Award, an Honorary Academy Award, and a Peabody Award. She was discovered by a fashion editor at Ebony magazine and, with her stunning looks, she quickly rose to the top of the modeling industry. In 1957, she began acting in Off-Broadway productions. She had small roles in feature films before she was cast as Portia in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968). Four years later, Cicely was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her sensational performance in the critically acclaimed film Sounder (1972). In 1974, she went on to portray a 110-year-old former slave in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (1974), which earned her two Emmy Awards. She also appeared in the television miniseries Roots (1977), King (1978) and A Woman Called Moses (1978). While Cicely has not appeared steadily onscreen because of her loyalty to only portray strong, positive images of Black women, she is without a doubt one of the most talented, beautiful actresses to have ever graced the stage and screen.


Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson


Vivendo a Liberdade
Self (archival footage)
Um olhar sem precedentes sobre as experiências de mulheres afro-americanas nas artes, contadas por meio das histórias de seis artistas pioneiras.
O Limite da Traição
Uma cidadã exemplar é acusada de assassinar o marido, e sua advogada logo desconfia de uma conspiração.
Miles Davis, Inventor do Cool
Um visionário, inovador e criador que desafiou a categorização e incorporou a palavra cool: uma incursão na vida e na carreira do ícone musical e cultural Miles Davis.
A Melhor Escolha
Mrs. Hightower
Trinta anos após servirem juntos no Vietnã, o ex-marinheiro Larry Doc Shepherd se reúne com seus velhos amigos, Sal Nealon e o reverendo Richard Mueller, para enterrar seu filho, um jovem marinheiro morto na guerra do Iraque.
Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise
O legado da icônica escritora, poeta, atriz e ativista Maya Angelou é relembrado através de arquivos raros e íntimos que retratam momentos ocultos de sua vida exuberante ao longo de alguns dos momentos mais marcantes da história dos Estados Unidos, Desde a sua criação no sul da era da Depressão, passando pelo trabalho com Malcolm X em Gana e chegando ao discurso feito na posse de Bill Clinton como presidente, conheça a incrível jornada de vida da Dra. Angelou.
Raízes de uma Amizade
Ambientado em 1977, o filme explora as tensões raciais reprimidas de uma pequena cidade, através dos olhos de duas mulheres que trabalham juntas em um salão de beleza local. As mulheres construíram uma amizade improvável. Quando a minissérie Raízes é exibida, elas se sentem motivadas a inspirar a cidade a se integrar, para o desespero dos que as cercam.
O Regresso para Bountiful
Mrs. Watts
Carrie Watts vive com o filho, Ludie, e com a pretensiosa nora, Jessie Mae. Sem poder conduzir mais e proibida de viajar sozinha, ela anseia por liberdade e implora ao filho para levá-la a visitar a sua cidade natal, Bountiful.
And the Oscar Goes To...
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Evocando Espíritos 2
Mama Kay
Uma jovem família muda-se para uma casa história na Geórgia e lá percebem que não são os únicos habitantes. Logo notam que há um segredo obscuro e ameaçador que derrubará todos no seu caminho...
A Sombra do Inimigo
Nana Mama
O novo alvo de investigação do detetive Alex Cross é o assassino em série Picasso, que costuma drogar e torturar brutalmente suas vítimas antes de executá-las. Mas o caso torna-se pessoal para o investigador quando sua família é atingida.
Histórias Cruzadas
Constantine Jefferson
Nos anos 60, no Mississippi, Skeeter é uma garota da sociedade que retorna determinada a se tornar escritora. Ela começa a entrevistar as mulheres negras da cidade, que deixaram suas vidas para trabalhar na criação dos filhos da elite branca, da qual a própria Skeeter faz parte. Aibileen Clark, a emprega da melhor amiga de Skeeter, é a primeira a conceder uma entrevista. Apesar das críticas, Skeeter e Aibileen continuam trabalhando juntas e, aos poucos, conseguem novas adesões.
Por Que Eu Me Casei Também?
Os quatro casais escolhem um novo destino para sua reunião anual: Bahamas. O objetivo, como sempre, renovar os votos do matrimônio, trocar experiências de vida enquanto aproveitam para discutir com humor seus respectivos relacionamentos. Mas as coisas complicam quando o ex marido Mike aparece na área disposto a reconquistar Sheila, atualmente casada com Troy. Está aceso o estopim de uma série de questionamentos que surgem também com os outros integrantes do grupo.
Relative Stranger
After the death of his father, a former football star reunites with the family that he abandoned years earlier.
Mother Hopkins
A musical set in the Prohibition-era American South, where a speakeasy performer and club manager Rooster must contend with gangsters who have their eyes on the club while his piano player and partner Percival must choose between his love, Angel or his obligations to his father.
Fat Rose and Squeaky
The Irish-willed eighty-year-old Bonnie Ash Fitzpatrick and her only friend in life, seventy-year-old Celine Snow disagree on just about everything. When Bonnie's long-lost niece, Christine, attempts to trick her out of her house, the two friends come up with a plan. Using Bonnie's association with the wacko neighbors (Fat Rose & Squeaky) as examples of her inability to safely care for herself, Christine's plan appears to be working. The friendship between Bonnie and Celine proves to be a greater challenge to Christine than her aunt's age.
Madea's Family Reunion
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
Diário De Uma Louca
Helen (Kimberly Elise) é casada com um marido rico, Charles (Steve Harris), e leva uma vida confortável. O mundo feliz de Helen rui quando Charles admite ter um caso com uma mulher perturbada, o que faz com que ela volte a viver com sua avó Madea (Tyler Perry) e seu primo Brian (Tyler Perry). A dupla ajuda Helen a superar a traição do marido, o que é auxiliado pela chegada de Orlando (Shemar Moore) ao local.
Meu Melhor Amigo
Gloria Dump
Opal (Annasophia Robb) é uma garota de 10 anos que foi abandonada por sua mãe, quando ainda era pequena. Ela encontra um cachorro abandonado, que decide adotar. Opal dá a ele o nome de Winn-Dixie, já que era este o nome do supermercado onde o encontrou. A amizade crescente entre o cachorro e a garota une a população de uma pequena cidade da Flórida, ajudando também na relação complicada existente entre Opal e seu pai (Jeff Daniels), o pastor da comunidade local.
A História de Rosa Parks
Leona Edwards McCauley
A seamstress recalls events leading to her act of peaceful defiance that prompted the 1955 bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.
In the 1940s a 40-year-old woman with five healthy children gives birth to a girl with Down's syndrome.
Uma lição antes de morrer
Tante Lou
No sul da década de 1940, um homem afro-americano é injustamente acusado de matar um dono de loja branco. Em sua defesa, seu advogado branco o iguala a um porco humilde, para indicar que ele não teve o bom senso de saber o que estava fazendo. Apesar de condenado, ele é condenado à morte, mas sua madrinha e a tia do professor local convencem o professor a ir à cela do condenado todos os dias para tentar reafirmar a ele que ele não é um animal, mas um homem com dignidade.
Garantia de Vida
An ex-con moves to L.A. to find work and creates a disturbance by fighting for a position. More importantly he touches the lives of many of his neighbors including an older man dying of cancer, a young married couple whose husband is too proud to accept a lesser position which causes strife with his wife, and a young boy on the verge of getting in trouble with street gangs.
Ms. Scrooge
Ms. Ebenita Scrooge
Television movie updating Charles Dickens' story, "A Christmas Carol." Businesswoman Ebenita Scrooge treats her employees and customers poorly. She has no time for Christmas or the holiday spirit. On Christmas Eve, she is visited by the ghost of her dead partner Maude Marley and then by other spirits who remind her of her happy past and chronicle the bitterness and greed that have taken over her life. At last, she is shown her own death and funeral. No one is there to mourn her. This revelation shocks her into opening her heart and her checkbook.
Homens Perigosos
Stephanie St. Clair
No Harlem dos anos 1930, mafioso trava batalha pela lucrativa casa de jogos de uma mulher conhecida como a Rainha Stephanie St. Clair. É quando entra em cena um gângster negro, recém-saído da prisão, que se aproxima do legendário "Lucky" Luciano para tentar vencer a guerra.
Blessed Assurance
Vesta Lotte Battle
Convinced that he's entitled to a life of fame and fortune, Korean War vet Jerry Shand (Grant Show) returns home to his fiancee (Lori Loughlin) and pursues a lucrative --if unprincipled -- insurance career. But when he meets the elderly client Vesta (Cicely Tyson), she begins to shed light on the destructive path Jerry has chosen to travel. Peter Bogdanovich directs this film set against the backdrop of racial tensions in the American South.
The Road to Galveston
Jordan Roosevelt, at 65, found herself alone, destitute, and depressed. Up against the wall, she took heart from the suggestion of a friend, a blind woman who was a nurse: enter a foster care program in which one takes care of patients in their own home. The patients she cares for are Alzheimers sufferers, and she shares her home with three other women in advanced stages of the disease, one (Gayle) wheelchair bound. And with these women, Jordan realizes a lifelong dream - to feel the ocean breeze. An accidental find of a coffee can stash of cash, buried by her late husband, makes the trip possible. Based on the true story of Peggy Lee of Camilla, Texas (the Alzheimers, the patients, and the foster care program are actual, the trip to the Galveston beaches is fictional).
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Lucy married at the turn of the last century, when she was fifteen and her husband was fifty. If Colonel William Marsden was a veteran of the "War for Southern Independence", Lucy became a "veteran of the veteran" with a unique perspective on Southern history and Southern manhood. Her story encompasses everything from the tragic death of a Confederate boy soldier to the feisty narrator's daily battles in the Home--complete with visits from a mohawk-coiffed candy-striper.
House of Secrets
Marion Ravinel is trapped in an abusive spousal relationship. She forms a plan with her husband's former lover to kill him. However, the outcome turns out to be more than she planned on as she begins to believe that her husband has come back from the dead to get her.
Dr. Randolph
A family falls victim to a scientific institute that removes memories and transfers them to a computer.
Tomates Verdes Fritos
Evelyn Couch visita com o marido um parente no asilo de idosos. Uma vez lá, ela encontra Ninny Threadgoode, uma mulher idosa, que a ilumina e traz uma nova perspectiva através de contos do seu passado. Evelyn ganha a confiança necessária para mudar sua própria vida para melhor.
The Kid Who Loved Christmas
Etta Mercer
In this sentimental holiday tale, a young boy is taken away from his loving, adoptive household when his new mom is killed in an auto accident and his traveling musician dad is deemed unfit to care for him, being on the road too much. Now, the only thing that can help is if a cold, bureaucratic adoption agency caseworker sees the error of her ways and allows them to be together.
Heat Wave
Ruthana Richardson
A rookie black journalist investigates the tensions of the Watts section of Los Angeles in the bloody summer of 1965.
The Women of Brewster Place
Mrs. Browne
A multigenerational story of the lives of several black women who call an inner-city tenement home.
The Women of Brewster Place
A multigenerational story of the lives of several black women who call an inner-city tenement home.
Intimate Encounters
Dr. Claire Dalton
It started as fantasy...and ended as intimate encounters.
Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story
Acceptable Risks
The manager of a chemical plant and a city manager rise up against their respective bosses to keep a town safe in this ecologically conscientious made-for-TV disaster film. It all begins when the owners of Citichem order the plant manager to enact dangerous cost cuts that compromise the safety of the plant. He protests, but it is to no avail and a worker dies. At the same time, the city manager tries to warn the people that a deadly disaster is imminent, but he ends up gagged by the local politicians. Meanwhile, just when the community is at its most unprepared, a melt-down occurs and the town is drenched in deadly chemicals.
Playing with Fire
Carol Phillips
Gary Coleman stars as a teenage arsonist. The authorities, friends, and neighbors warn his absentee parents until it is too late.
Benny's Place
Time begins to catches up to a tough factory worker who is feeling threatened by younger men at work and at play.
Night of 100 Stars
The most glittering, expensive, and exhausting videotaping session in television history took place Friday February 19, 1982 at New York's Radio City Music Hall. The event, for which ticket-buyers payed up to $1,000 a seat (tax-deductible as a contribution to the Actors' Fund) was billed as "The Night of 100 Stars" but, actually, around 230 stars took part. And most of the audience of 5,800 had no idea in advance that they were paying to see a TV taping, complete with long waits for set and costume changes, tape rewinding, and the like. Executive producer Alexander Cohen estimated that the 5,800 Radio City Music Hall seats sold out at prices ranging from $25 to $1,000. The show itself cost about $4 million to produce and was expected to yield around $2 million for the new addition to the Actors Fund retirement home in Englewood, N. J. ABC is reputed to have paid more than $5 million for the television rights.
The Marva Collins Story
Marva Collins
Cicely Tyson was Emmy-nominated as Outstanding Actress for her portrait of a Chicago schoolteacher whose remarkable achievements with black children labelled "unteachable" were spotlighted in a 1979 "60 Minutes" segment about how she became disillusioned with the traditional school system and decided to work outside of it, transforming her students into young scholars through her unique teaching style.
Rompendo Correntes
Vivian Perry
O lendário comediante Richard Pryor se coloca na pele de Joe Braxton, um ex-vigarista que leva uma linda professora de educação especial e seus alunos a Washington D.C. com o fim de recuperar sua liberdade. Uma louca e emocionante comédia.
Aeroporto 79 - O Concorde
Último filme da série Aeroporto. Kevin Harrison é um negociante de armas que tenta destruir um Concorde para evitar que um dos passageiros, a repórter e namorada Maggie Whelan, denuncie suas transações ilegais com os países comunistas durante a Guerra Fria. O avião escapa do primeiro ataque, mas Harrison não desiste e acaba causando um pouso forçado nos Alpes.
A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich
A troubled boy becomes addicted to heroin, and his mother and foster father help him fight it.
Blanche Rudolph
The story of American track sprinter Wilma Rudolph, who overcame physical handicaps to win three gold medals in the 1960 Olympics.
Só Uma Velha e Doce Canção
Priscilla Simmons
Upon learning that their grandmother is not long for this world, Nate and Priscilla Simmons pack up their kids and leave Detroit to head down South. Eventually, the family rediscovers its African-American roots and elects to stay in their new rural surroundings.
The River Niger
Mattie Williams
An intimate look at life in the ghetto: Johnny Williams is a house painter who moonlights as a poet, struggling to financially and emotionally support his cancer-ridden wife Mattie. But times are tough and the poverty-troubled streets are even tougher, and it takes every ounce of Johnny's love and courage for the couple to make it through their strife, finding redemption in the River Niger.
O Pássaro Azul
Duas crianças camponesas, Mytyl e seu irmão Tyltyl, embarcam na busca pelo pássaro azul da felicidade da fada Berylune. Em sua jornada, eles têm a companhia da presença humanizada de um Cachorro, um Gato, Luz e Fogo e outras entidades.
Free to Be… You and Me
Free to Be…You and Me, a project of the Ms. Foundation for Women, is a record album, and illustrated book first released in November 1972, featuring songs and stories from many current celebrities of the day (credited as "Marlo Thomas and Friends") such as Alan Alda, Rosey Grier, Cicely Tyson, Carol Channing, Michael Jackson, and Diana Ross, among others. An ABC Afterschool Special using poetry, songs, and sketches, followed two years later in March 1974. The basic concept is to encourage a post-60's gender neutrality, while saluting values such as individuality, tolerance, and happiness with one's identity. A major thematic message is that anyone, whether a boy or a girl, can achieve anything.
A Autobiografia de Miss Jane Pittman
Jane Pittman
In February, 1962, as the civil rights movement reaches Bayonne, Louisiana, a New York journalist arrives to interview Jane Pittman, who has just turned 110. She tells him her story dating back to her earliest memories before slavery ended. In between the chapters of her life, the present-day struggles of Blacks in Bayonne, urged on by Jimmy, are dramatized.
Lágrimas de Esperança
Rebecca Morgan
Na década de 1930, Nathan Lee Morgan, um negro arrendatário do estado da Louisiana, é condenado à prisão por um crime irrisório. Após alguns meses, seu filho é enviado para visitá-lo na cadeia, viagem na qual vive inúmeras aventuras.
Racial tensions come out of the woodwork when an upper-class white couple puts their suburban home on the market and the listing draws a pair of equally well-to-do African American buyers from Harlem. Fielder Cook directs this Broadway staging of playwright Arkady Leokum's exploration of lingering racial prejudice in 1970s America.
Marriage: Year One
Emma Teasley
A medical student marries a millionaire's daughter but insists they live on the money he earns.
To Be Young, Gifted and Black: The World of Lorraine Hansberry in Her Own Words
Excerpts from the 1969 Off-Broadway production at the Cherry Lane Theater of To Be Young, Gifted and Black: The World of Lorraine Hansberry, adapted by Robert Nemiroff, Hansberry's widower, and directed by Gene Frankel.
Por que tem de ser Assim?
Portia Copeland
John Singer é surdo-mudo. Ele vive num quarto alugado na casa da garota Mick. ... É isso o que leva Singer a fazer de tudo para ajudar a menina, assim como ele faz com todas as pessoas que necessitam de ajuda
Os Farsantes
Marie Therese
Drama político no qual jovem inglês que vive no Haiti e se apaixona pela filha de um diplomata, enquanto a ilha vive uma rebelião civil. Baseado no romance de Graham Greene.
A Man Called Adam
Claudia Ferguson
A famous jazz trumpeter finds himself unable to cope with the problems of everyday life.
The Last Angry Man
Girl Left on Porch (uncredited)
Dr. Sam Abelman is a Jewish doctor contentedly spending his autumn years serving his own Brooklyn neighborhood. But when his nephew, would-be journalist Myron, writes an article about him, it draws the attention of a producer, Woodrow Thrasher, who believes Dr. Abelman a good candidate for a TV show. The doctor, however, is suspicious of the whole enterprise, thinking both Myron and Thrasher are simply out to make a fast buck.
Homens em Fúria
Jazz Club Bartender (uncredited)
Dave Burke contrata dois homens muito diferentes para um assalto a banco. Suspeita e preconceito ameaçam acabar com a parceria. Dave Burke está procurando contratar dois homens para ajudá-lo em um assalto a banco: Earle Slater, um ex-condenado branco, e Johnny Ingram, um jogador negro. Ambos estão relutantes; mas Burke faz com que os credores de Ingram coloquem pressão sobre ele, enquanto Slater se sente humilhado por seu fracasso em sustentar sua namorada; então eles acabam aceitando. Mas Slater detesta e despreza negros, e as tensões na gangue aumentam rapidamente. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Carib Gold
A trabalhadora luta da tripulação de um barco de camarão descobre um tesouro submerso. Segue-se o problema nesta produção dramática em preto-elenco.
The Other Boys of Summer
The story of racism, segregation and Civil Rights in America told through the lives of the Negro League baseball players. Features exclusive interviews with the men who played alongside of Jackie Robinson.