Vitaly Vinogradov

Vitaly Vinogradov


Vitaly Vinogradov


Outono de 1941. A estudante Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya de ontem se ofereceu para uma escola de sabotagem. O destacamento de guerrilheiros, no qual Zoya estava localizada, é emboscada, e Zoya é capturada pelos alemães, enquanto tentava incendiar o celeiro. Interrogatórios e torturas não levaram a lugar nenhum. Ela não disse nada que pudesse atrapalhar a atribuição de outros grupos. Os nazistas não conseguiram nem mesmo alcançar seu nome verdadeiro - seu sacrifício não foi em vão. Seu feito inflamou milhões de corações, ajudando nossos soldados a chegar a Berlim.
This story is not a figment of the scriptwriters’ imagination; these are real living facts. New Russian action movie Shugaley is a story about the war that is going on today. The film is based on real events taking place in Libya today. Two Russian social scientists, Maxim Shugaley and Samir Seifan, are invited to the conflict-torn country to carry out a public opinion research. In the course of their work, they come over the information, that would be damaging to the puppet government if made public. Russians are kidnapped and tortured in a private prison for more than a year. The situation cannot be resolved peacefully, so the Russian side is preparing a rescue operation. Premiere date - end of april 2020
A Stolen Life
A young couple Yulia and Vlad go to spend some quiet days on an island. Vlad is in his early thirties. He is kind and caring with Yulia. She suffers from a psychological trauma and partial memory loss. Complete isolation makes the young couple happy during first days, however, very soon the girl notices some strange behavior of her boyfriend. Terrifying hallucinations and memories that she cannot explain overwhelm her. Her trials to bring back her memory and find out the truth turn into struggle for life.
Thawed Carp
Elena Mihailovna, having worked all her life in the only school of a provincial town, lives modestly in retirement. Unexpectedly she learns of a fatal diagnosis, which can at any moment end her life. Instead of an unbearable anticipation, she resolutely begins the preparation for her own death, in order to simplify the procedure for her son. She has not seen her only son for over five years because he worrks in the capital. Oleg is constantly busy, and he does not have time for his lonely mother. At the same time with all the new problems, the heroine receives as a gift a huge carp, which changes her life.
Os Vinte e Oito Heróis
O filme narra o ato heroico de 28 soldados soviéticos que se sacrificaram em novembro de 1941 perto da vila de Dubosekovo. Segundo a história, os militares do famoso exército vermelho, liderados pelo Major General Ivan Panfilov enfrentaram bravamente as forças armadas de Hitler e mesmo, morrendo em batalha, conseguiram destruir 18 tanques alemães.
Former employee
Artem Semenov is a criminal investigation opera who is “married” to his work and, as a result, has problems directly in his family. Artem has close friends Nazarov and Petrovich, with whom he ate more than a pound of salt, on which he can rely on everything.
Happy Ending
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...