Vladimir Butenko

Vladimir Butenko

Nascimento : 1980-10-18,


Vladimir Butenko
Vladimir Butenko


Don't Heal Me
Ilya works as a trauma surgeon in a hospital. In the transition, he saves the life of a man who is trying to get compensation from a surgeon for broken ribs. This is the lesser of the doctor’s troubles. Saving the life of one of the patients, Ilya has to marry the girl while she is sleeping. With good intentions, the protagonist hides the official’s son in the hospital to knock out the latest equipment, but when the fraud is revealed, Ilya is kicked out and deprived of his license. In the maelstrom of events, Ilya does not lose his humor and self-confidence and challenges all troubles in spite of his enemies.
Обратная сторона любви
A young doctor saves the life of a passer-by, but instead of gratitude, he writes a statement to the police against him.
Os Guardiões
Em plena Guerra Fria, uma organização secreta chamada "Patriota" recrutou um grupo de super-heróis russos, modificando o DNA de quatro indivíduos, com o objetivo de defender o país de ameaças sobrenaturais. Arsus, Khan, Ler e Xenia representam os diferentes povos que compõem a União Soviética, e mantêm suas identidades bem guardadas para, também, não expor aqueles que têm a missão de proteger.
Viking Khevdinga
Após a morte de seu pai, Vladimir, príncipe viking é forçado ao exilio através do mar congelado para escapar de seu irmão que conquistou o território. Junto com o guerreiro Sveneld, eles irão lutar para reconquistar seu território
Friday night is almost like a shortened New year's night. One can expect every kind of surprises on that night. Friday night has its special magic.
30 Dates
Unlucky Dasha believes that it will help the online training - for a month visit the 30 dates, and then the man of her dreams will find her. Just to stay alive after a meeting with crazy cavalry and try to discern among them the perfect man.