Sergio Coletta


Crime of Passion
Hungary: Callously leaving her handicapped daughter home alone, Sonya meets her lover at a hotel and is later shot to death. At her funeral, the main suspects are all present: Peter, Sonya's estranged husband; Tanya, her sister; and Julia, a business associate. The police inspector is assigned to the case discovers that Peter is sexually involved with both of the aforementioned women. Further murders ensue...
O Quebra-Cabeça
A homicide detective realizes that the brutal murders committed by a mysterious serial killer he's after have something to do with the late husband of a beautiful widow.
My Dearest Son
A respectable lawyer finds out his son is a heroin addict. Heartbroken, he'll do anything to help his only child, even if it means sharing his hell.
Count Tacchia
In 1900 in Rome, the poor carpenter Francesco, by a twist of fate, is recognized component of a noble family in the process of decay. Francesco knows the cynical and ruthless Prince Torquato Terenzi, disappointed by life and progress, and also falls in love with the beautiful Duchess Elisa. When Prince Terenzi dies, Francesco realizes that he's not enriched for nothing with the inheritance, because the noble family is broke; so he enlistes himself for the war in Libya, but quickly returnes to Italy, disgusted by the atrocities of the fighting. His dream is to be a singer, and so he goes to America with the Duchess Elisa.
Una vacanza del cactus
A group of five people is going to vacation on the island of Rhodes: among them is the good-natured Augusto, who intends to bring a cactus to the grave of his uncle Michael.
Goodbye & Amen
As John Dhannay, a CIA agent stationed in Rome, plans the overthrow of an African government, he discovers one of his men has been in contact with agents from the other side. Before he can confront the traitor, the man seemingly goes crazy, sniping several people before taking an adulterous couple hostage in a hotel room.
Duplo Assassinato
A police commissioner and a political activist join to investigate the suspicious death of a playboy Prince.
One Way or Another
Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.
Prelúdio para Matar
Um pianista inglês testemunha um brutal assassinato, mas não consegue identificar o criminoso. Algo na cena o inquieta, o levando à uma compulsiva necessidade de desvendar o caso.
The Five Days
In 1848, as Italy becomes engulfed in a bubbling revolution to finally get rid of the ruling Austrians, a patriotic prisoner named Cainazzo begins to wonder if he will soon get the chance to see the revolution in action away from his prison cell. Suddenly, a cannonball comes flying through the air and knocks the main wall of the prison down. Excited to have a chance to see the change taking place in person, Cainazzo hits a bumpy road when one of his former fellow prisoners yells out to all the revolutionary gangs that Cainazzo is not a patriot, but is in fact a traitor!
Property Is No Longer a Theft
Um jovem funcionário de banco, literalmente alérgico ao papel-moeda, torna-se o pior pesadelo do melhor cliente do banco, um rico açougueiro que dirige seus negócios sem escrúpulos.
A Classe Operária vai ao Paraíso
Adorado por seus superiores por ser um trabalhador extremamente dedicado e odiado pelo mesmo motivo por seus colegas de trabalho, Lulu vive entregue aos sonhos de consumo da classe média, alienado em meio aos movimentos de protesto de sua classe, até que um acontecimento põe em xeque suas opiniões.
Inquérito a um Cidadão Acima de Qualquer Suspeita
Em um momento de perturbação política interna na Itália, o inspetor de polícia recebe a tarefa de reprimir os dissidentes políticos. Dentre eles esta sua amante Augusta Terzi. Ele começa a testar os limites da polícia, vendo se irá ser acusado pelo crime. Assim, começa a plantar pistas óbivias que o identificam como o assassino da mulher, e vê seus colegas ignorando-as, seja intencionalmente ou não.
A Quiet Place in the Country
A painter facing a creative block arranges to spend the weekend in the country at his mistress's villa. While staying there, his sanity begins to disintegrate.
Catch As Catch Can
Bob Chiaramonte é um desses atores famosos que aparecem nos comerciais e pensa que é famoso. Até que começa a descobrir a falsidade de tudo, passa por vários problemas e chega mesmo a trocar de lugar com um macaco no zoológico.
Il mio amico Benito
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.