“The Rocket" is a small town story inspired by true events, about a high school football star who suffers a severe head injury and loses his entire life plan. The heaviness of a broken relationship with his father, and losing the identity of "football star" push him to seek a new way to prove himself. Restricted from playing any sports and despite being an unlikely runner, the cross country coach brings the young man aboard his high school team out of necessity, and through much struggle, doubt, and determination, he finds a new way to push towards greatness. With colorful characters, youthful insights, and nostalgic storytelling, "The Rocket" brings together the elements of family, loss, failure, and redemption. The entire story is based on real characters and events that took place in the mid-west in 1999.
Young Ben
A vida de Benjamin Morton mudou para sempre no dia em que conheceu sua vizinha. Ava era e sempre será a garota dos seus sonhos. Da inocência de uma amizade de infância, passando pela atração adolescente, o amor deles se fortaleceu e cresceu. Quando a vida dá uma reviravolta, que nenhum deles esperava, todo o seu futuro é questionado. O filme explora os altos e baixos da vida e do amor, mostrando que em tempos bons e ruins a vida pode ser levada com esperança e que sempre há a oportunidade para algo novo.