Eduardo Brito


Há na montanha uma aldeia e na aldeia uma casa, onde Ema repete gestos e tarefas: trata da avó, caminha, lê, espera. Ali está ela, entre o isolamento e o cuidado. Até que um dia, o ciclo se quebra: o que aconteceu na casa da montanha?
Over the dark and barren landscapes of a city somewhere in the Arctic Circle, we hear the story of a man who dreamed he was a woman, an oneiric reverie that allows him to be in two opposite places at the same time. It is a beautiful metaphor, as well as a eulogy, about accepting what seems illogical, instead of looking for meaning, one that finds comfort in the darkness and restlessness that disturbs sleep, turning it into a space for the subconscious to rise
Over the dark and barren landscapes of a city somewhere in the Arctic Circle, we hear the story of a man who dreamed he was a woman, an oneiric reverie that allows him to be in two opposite places at the same time. It is a beautiful metaphor, as well as a eulogy, about accepting what seems illogical, instead of looking for meaning, one that finds comfort in the darkness and restlessness that disturbs sleep, turning it into a space for the subconscious to rise
Over the dark and barren landscapes of a city somewhere in the Arctic Circle, we hear the story of a man who dreamed he was a woman, an oneiric reverie that allows him to be in two opposite places at the same time. It is a beautiful metaphor, as well as a eulogy, about accepting what seems illogical, instead of looking for meaning, one that finds comfort in the darkness and restlessness that disturbs sleep, turning it into a space for the subconscious to rise
Hálito Azul
Assistant Director
Esmagada contra o oceano pela encosta de um vulcão, a vila piscatória da Ribeira Quente na ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores vive os últimos dias de uma actividade piscatória tal como a conhecemos. A vida continua mesmo com o peixe a escassear enquanto todos lutam por dias normais.
Hálito Azul
Esmagada contra o oceano pela encosta de um vulcão, a vila piscatória da Ribeira Quente na ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores vive os últimos dias de uma actividade piscatória tal como a conhecemos. A vida continua mesmo com o peixe a escassear enquanto todos lutam por dias normais.
And then, a house will appear to be waiting you: as in a slope, this is a leaning story on the memory of places and things, on returns and new beginnings.
And then, a house will appear to be waiting you: as in a slope, this is a leaning story on the memory of places and things, on returns and new beginnings.
And then, a house will appear to be waiting you: as in a slope, this is a leaning story on the memory of places and things, on returns and new beginnings.
And then, a house will appear to be waiting you: as in a slope, this is a leaning story on the memory of places and things, on returns and new beginnings.
O Homem Eterno
Bernardino Fernandes emigrated to Canada in the sixties. Over two decades he filmed hundreds of Super 8 reels, organizing them methodically and obsessively. The Everlasting Man ends an old process, transforming Bernardino's urge of cinema into a film about the images of his memory.
Penumbria was founded two hundred years ago, in a distant istmus - a place of arid soils, angry seas and violent weather. The city was due its name to the almost permanent shadows and cloudiness. One day, its inhabitants decided to leave, offering Penumbria to time. This is the story of an uninhabitable place.
Penumbria was founded two hundred years ago, in a distant istmus - a place of arid soils, angry seas and violent weather. The city was due its name to the almost permanent shadows and cloudiness. One day, its inhabitants decided to leave, offering Penumbria to time. This is the story of an uninhabitable place.
Penumbria was founded two hundred years ago, in a distant istmus - a place of arid soils, angry seas and violent weather. The city was due its name to the almost permanent shadows and cloudiness. One day, its inhabitants decided to leave, offering Penumbria to time. This is the story of an uninhabitable place.
A Glória de Fazer Cinema em Portugal
On 18 September 1929, José Régio sent a letter to Alberto Serpa expressing his desire to create a production company and start making films. For almost 90 years, nothing more was known: no reply was ever found and Régio never mentioned the subject again. The discovery of some old reels in a collector’s hoard seems to provide the ending to the story.
O Facínora
The story of a vigilante friar, zealous caretaker of goodness and order who, after suffering unrequited love for an engaged woman, becomes a terrifying villain in a quiet town.
La Ermita
A voice asks the traveller: you've never been to La Ermita, but I am sure you've been there. When?