17-year-old track star, John Owens, has never used any drug stronger than pot, until he meets an older woman who introduces him to crack cocaine. He quickly becomes addicted but is able to hide his problem from all except his best friend, Chris.
This pilot for a TV version of the critically acclaimed feature Diner (1982) focused on the complaints of the wives, Elyse and Beth, that their husbands were spending too much time hanging at the diner with their friends.
Made-for-tv movie, the pilot for a "Brady Bunch" revival series, "The Brady Brides." Jan and Marcia have met the men of their dreams and decide to tie the knot. They agree to hold the weddings together in the family's back yard, but fight over whether to have a modern ceremony or a traditional one. Can the marriages be saved? All of the original cast members (except cousin Oliver) put in a return appearance.
The further adventures of 'True Grit' Rooster Cogburn which has him battling injustice in his own unorthodox way while contending with a teenage girl bent on reforming him.
A operação de resgate dos passageiros e tripulantes de um avião sequestrado por palestinos. Com a velada simpatia do ditador africano Idi Amin Dada, os terroristas permanecem em Uganda, exigindo a libertação de 53 palestinos presos pelos israelenses em troca dos reféns. Baseado em fatos reais.
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
After an overnight fling with a man nearly 20 years her junior while vacationing in Greece, Ann Stanley returns to New York assuming she'll never see Peter Latham again. Until, that is, he shows up on her doorstep to take her daughter to a party. Despite her yearning for Peter and the encouragement of her friends and family, Ann initially rebuffs him when he pursues her, but slowly she yields to his charm and her own stifled emotions.
Uma praga exterminou os cães e os gatos da face da Terra, o que fez com que os macacos se tornassem animais de estimação. Eles são tratados como escravos, o que revolta Caesar (Roddy McDowall), o filho de Cornelius e Zira, que perdeu os pais ainda cedo e foi criado pelo dono de um circo. Ele passa a liderar uma rebelião dos macacos contra os humanos.
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
The triumphs and failures of middle age as seen through the eyes of runaway American housewife Mary Wilson, a woman who believes that ultimate reality exists above and beyond the routine procedures of conscious, uninspired, everyday life. She feels cheated by an older generation that taught her to settle for nothing less than storybook finales, people who are disillusioned and restless and don't know why, people for whom life holds no easy answers.