Richard F. Dalton
Nascimento : 1935-08-07, Dublin, Ireland
Executive Producer
Steaming is the final film directed by Joseph Losey. It was adapted from Nell Dunn's play by Patricia Losey and Nell Dunn. It is about three women who meet regularly in a steam room and decide to fight its closure.
Threatened with recapture after a prison escape, Martin Stechert grabs a 12-year-old as hostage. He proves to be named Martin, too a quiet "good little boy" always obeying the rules, whom life has given only dismal loneliness and frustration in return. Soon he begins to admire "Stech" for his cheeky pranks against society and his desperate mission to make dreams come true. In a climactic moment, he chooses to stay with the man even though he could run away. Via hijacks and hijinx, they flee to the idyllic peace of the older Martin's childhood home, a cabin on a lake. But the police are close behind, impatient and trigger-happy.
Associate Producer
Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley's wife.
Associate Producer
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.
Production Manager
When several young girls are found dead, left hideously aged and void of blood, Dr Marcus suspects vampirism. He enlists the help of the Vampire Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Kronos has dedicated his life to destroying the evil pestilence. Once a victim of its diabolical depravity, he knows the vampire's strengths and weaknesses as well as the extreme dangers attached to confronting the potent forces of darkness.
Associate Producer
Nora Helmer lives a quiet life with her husband, Torvald, in a small Norwegian town. While he works diligently at a bank, she looks after their children. But Torvald doesn't know that several years ago, when he was very ill and she was desperate for money, Nora forged a loan document and has been secretly working to pay the money back ever since. The arrival of her friend Kristine prompts Nora to re-evaluate her life and confront Torvald.
Assistant Director
Em um futuro não muito distante, um governo terrestre muito poluído e superpovoado torna ilegal ter filhos por uma geração. Um casal, insatisfeito com seu bebê robô substituto, quebra as regras e se envolve em muitos problemas. Z.P.G. é o acrônimo de "Crescimento Populacional Zero".
Production Manager
O famoso organista Anton Phibes fica terrivelmente desfigurado em um acidente automobilístico enquanto move-se para o lado de sua esposa ferida que presume estar morta. Quando Phibes descobre que sua esposa morreu na mesa de operação, ele está convencido de que os médicos são os responsáveis e começa a executar sua vingança contra todos os envolvidos.
Assistant Director
"A", a member of a student protest organization, becomes disenchanted by his group's inability to effect real change. Emboldened to pursue more radical methods by the older, experienced leftist organizer Despard, "A" unwittingly becomes party to a labor strike that turns violent. Ultimately held responsible by the authorities for the fracas, "A" allies himself with terrorist Leonard, who intends to avenge those jailed in the protest.
Assistant Director
A vida vã e insegura do professor de Oxford Stephen vira de pernas para o ar quando se apaixona por uma de suas alunas, Anna. Ela também atraiu a atenção de um aluno rico chamado William e de Charley, um colega cujo sucesso profissional e autoconfiança despertam inveja em Stephen.
Assistant Director
Quando seu marido, John, sofre um ataque cardíaco em um barco a remo no lago, Louise Haloran joga seu corpo ao mar e depois diz à família que ele partiu em uma viagem de negócios urgente. Sua principal preocupação é que ela só pode herdar uma parte da fortuna da família se o marido estiver vivo. Os haloranos são uma família estranha, ainda sofrendo com a morte da filha mais nova Kathleen, que se afogou em um lago quando era criança. Eles realizam uma cerimônia anual de lembrança todos os anos no aniversário de sua morte. Este ano, no entanto, alguém está usando um machado com intenção de matar.
Production Manager
Inspector Duval comes to London to help crack the case of a socialite murdered during a jewel heist.