Diana Shneider

Diana Shneider


Diana Shneider
Diana Shneider
Diana Shneider
Diana Shneider
Diana Shneider


The Narrows
Russian Prostitute
A 19 year old Brooklyn boy who is torn between two worlds when his photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU. He must figure out how to balance his Italian neighborhood roots with the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River. Based on Tim McLoughlin's novel "Heart of the Old Country".
Police Secretary
Um acidente no laboratório de alta tecnologia do dr. Simon Barsinistro faz com que um cachorro beagle desabrigado, chamado Engraxate, ganhe poderes extraordinários. Com isso ele passa a vestir um traje de super-herói e se auto-denomina o Vira-Lata, jurando defender os cidadãos de Capitol City.