Helga Wretman

Helga Wretman


Helga Wretman


Passageiro Acidental
Stunt Double
Três pessoas em uma missão de dois anos para Marte enfrentam um dilema fatal depois que um passageiro inesperado coloca todos em risco.
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Um canguru comunista se muda com um artista em Berlim. Comédia baseada na comédia de rádio e nos livros e audiolivros mais vendidos de Marc-Uwe Kling.
Tiger Girl
Having failed to get into the police force, Margarete takes up training as a security guard. One night she runs into a sexually agressive ex-colleague who insists on hailing a taxi to take her home to his place. Enter Tiger: short brown hair, a tough girl and a fighter, the cab driver. Realising that the situation is far from consensual, Tiger speeds off with Margarete, leaving her companion standing in the street. It won’t be the last time she rushes to Margarete’s aid. Tiger lives in an attic flat with two men. She knows how to wield a baseball bat. Stealing a uniform from security and renaming Margarete ‘Vanilla’, she begins to steer her life in a completely different direction.
Six Easy Pieces
Six Easy Pieces is based on the book "Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of physics explained by its most brilliant teacher" by Richard P. Feynman. It brings together the foundations of "Film as the Seventh Art; a superb conciliation of the 'Rhythms of Space' and the 'Rhythms of Time'" by Ricciotto Canudo and "Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting" by Gottfried Leibniz. The work deconstructs film as the perfect synthesis of art and technology. Connecting art and science, it romantically refers to an age when artists and scientists had similar concerns and were often one and the same person.
Secret Machine
In Secret Machine, the protagonist encounters an antagonist that is studying her, measuring her body and comparing her to units of space and time. Clocks rush and her movements are calculated on a grid: the eye is observed through lenses; her breath is submitted to a resistance rate by putting her under water; needles are used to quantify her reactions and pain: and her voice and motion are recorded. For the scientist measurement is understanding. While human nature appears confined in the framework and efforts of rationality, the aspiration of trapping the soul conduce the antagonist to imagine the improvable.
Secret Life
A woman is trapped in an apartment filled with moving plants. She moves at a mechanical speed and her mind functions like a clock whose hands pin the events of her life to the tapestry of time. Her thoughts escape her and come to life, growing like the plants that inhabit the space around her: living, searching, feeling, breathing and dying.
Terminator - a film about JT LeRoy
The literary persona JT LeRoy visiting Stockholm, Sweden in 2002, on a promotion tour for the novel "Sarah". Framed by footage of US highways and Heaviness "Curtains of Rain".