Gina Belafonte

Gina Belafonte


Gina Belafonte


Infiltrado Na Klan
Gina B.
Em 1978, Ron Stallworth, um policial negro do Colorado, conseguiu se infiltrar na Ku Klux Klan local. Ele se comunicava com os outros membros do grupo através de telefonemas e cartas, quando precisava estar fisicamente presente enviava um outro policial branco no seu lugar. Depois de meses de investigação, Ron se tornou o líder da seita, sendo responsável por sabotar uma série de linchamentos e outros crimes de ódio orquestrados pelos racistas.
Survivor's Guide to Prison
Today, you're more likely to go to prison in the United States than anywhere else in the world. So in the unfortunate case it should happen to you - this is the Survivors Guide to Prison.
Sing Your Song
Most people know the lasting legacy of Harry Belafonte, the entertainer. This film unearths his significant contribution to and his leadership in the civil rights movement in America and to social justice globally.
Drowning on Dry Land
Waitress at Truck Stop
A taxi driver (Naveen Andrews) picks up a fare (Barbara Hershey) in Manhattan. She offers the driver a large sum to drive her to the desert. While the pair drive across the country, the woman tries various strategies to lure the driver into conversation. Despite his reticence, the pair begins a tumultuous and steamy relationship.
Kansas City
Hey-Hey Club Hostess
A pair of kidnappings expose the complex power dynamics within the corrupt and unpredictable workings of 1930s Kansas City.
The Fifteen Minute Hamlet
Shakespeare films Hamlet on a single reel then, after an initial screening, edits it down to the bare bones.
Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring
This 1989 documentary by Elisabeth Aubert contains some great footage including Jeffrey Deitch with a hair helmet.
Tokyo Pop
A young rock singer is not appreciated by her band, and gets a postcard from Japan saying "wish you were here". She takes what little money she has including ex-boyfriend's rent money and goes to Tokyo. She has numerous cross-cultural adventures and ends up singing with a Japanese rock group looking for a gaijin gimmick.
Nova York - Uma Cidade em Delírio
A sedutora Nova York é ainda mais apaixonante em seu coração: Manhattan. O brilho desta metrópole é um convite irresistível para a escalada do sucesso. E Jamie Conway não resistiu. Ele veio do interior para se tornar escritor famoso. Conseguindo trabalho numa revista para informações, cai na roda-vida da cidade. Jamie tenta acompanhar o ritmo alucinante do mundo "yuppie" feito de drogas e de uma interminável busca do êxito profissional. E acaba em crise de identidade.
Beat Street
An aspiring DJ, from the South Bronx, and his best friend, a promoter, try to get into show business by exposing people to hip-hop music and culture.
King Leopold’s Ghost
Inspired by Adam Hochschild’s best-selling book about Leopold II of Belgium’s plunder in the Congo and the Congolese who defied him and fought back. The struggle sparked an unlikely alliance between a black American missionary, an English investigative journalist and an Irish spy, resulting in one of the first human rights movements in history.