Artie Romero


Johnny Mnemonic, o Cyborg do Futuro
Em 2021, metade da população do mundo sofre de uma doença fatal chamada "NAS". Johnny, um mensageiro cibernético, é contratado para carregar o chip com os dados da cura dentro do cérebro até Newark, sendo perseguido por empresários gananciosos.
Title Graphics
After being parted for thirteen years, Doug and Cindy get together for a relaxing trip into the Colorado Rockies and a chance to get reacquainted. Their plans go terribly awry, however, when a killer grizzly bear turns up in their area, pursued by two ex-cons who are determined to kill it and collect a $500 bounty. Doug and Cindy quickly rediscover their love for one another during their time on the mountain, but if they're to have any life together they'll have to escape the beasts that lurk around them.