Jonathan Mussman


O Pai da Black Music
Production Executive
O documentário explora a vida e o legado do executivo da música, empresário e produtor cinematográfico americano, Clarence Avant.
Demetri Martin: The Overthinker
Executive Producer
With his signature one-liners and drawings, Demetri Martin muses on doughnut holes, dogs, sports bars, the alphabet's most aggressive letters and more.
Ali Wong: Hard Knock Wife
Executive Producer
Dois anos após o sucesso de Baby Cobra, Ali Wong regressa, novamente grávida, para partilhar verdades hilariantes sobre o casamento e a maternidade.
Gad Elmaleh: American Dream
Production Executive
In his first English-language special, comedian Gad Elmaleh gleefully digs into America's food obsessions, dating culture, slang, and more.
Craig Ferguson: Tickle Fight
Production Executive
Cheeky comic Craig Ferguson keeps it casual as he discusses '70s porn, Japanese toilets and his mildly crime-filled days as a talk show host.
Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust
Production Executive
Neste primeiro especial de comédia após o seu susto de saúde, Sarah Silverman partilha um misto de factos engraçados, verdades tristes e momentos sim, ela disse isso
Casting JonBenet
Production Executive
Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.
Jim Jefferies: Freedumb
Production Manager
Returning for a second Netflix comedy special, Jim Jefferies unleashes his famously ferocious black humor to a packed house in Nashville, Tennessee.
Bo Burnham: Make Happy
Production Executive
Combinando suas próprias composições com tiradas em que o alvo é ele mesmo, Bo Burnham traz uma perspectiva única sobre... ele mesmo. Um stand-up sobre a vida, morte, sexualidade, hipocrisia, doenças mentais e latas de Pringles.
Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran
Executive Producer
A music documentary with British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, one of the fastest rising stars in pop music today. Over the course of the hour-long documentary, fans will have intimate access to Sheeran at a critical turning point in his life and career.
I’m Still Here: Real Diaries of Young People Who Lived During the Holocaust
Production Executive
Brings to life the diaries of young people who witnessed first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust. Through an emotional montage of archival footage, personal photos, and text from the diaries themselves, the film celebrates a group of brave, young writers who refused to quietly disappear.