Zenon Kohler


Sisters of War
Visual Effects Supervisor
Sisters of War is a World War II memoir that re-creates events in New Britain during the Japanese invasion and occupation. It is a story about the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, especially Sister Berenice Twohill and her working friendship with nursing sister, Lorna Whyte. The Australians pulled out of the mission in Vunapope outside Rabaul, leaving the nurses and wounded who took refuge there. They were captured and about to be executed when Bishop Leo Scharmach MSC bluffed the Japanese by saying that he was the representative of Hitler and his people could not be executed.
A Vítima Perfeita
Title Designer
Consumida com a auto-repugnância, com 19 anos de idade, Caroline cobiça e rapta com a intenção de assassinar Rachel Barber de 15 anos que considera perfeita; tudo o que ela não é: bonita, segura de si e feliz. O desaparecimento de Rachel desencadeia uma reação elétrica dos seus pais e do seu namorado. Apesar da indiferença da polícia, eles montam uma campanha pública para encontrá-la.