Kleopatra Harisijades


Downstream from the Sun
Young teacher first experience in their profession acquired in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of a farmer, a clash between two warring race, then the conflict between the government and farmers for cutting the national forests needed to build new schools and the presence of a young teacher who doubt the search for truth, that will lead to major conflicts and tragedies.
A Sand Castle
Two boys are on an unplanned vacation by foot. They meet a girl who has nothing but a bikini under her coat. She says her cloths were stolen while she was bathing. She joins their company. They steel cloths for her. There is a little kissing with both but nothing that could make the other jealous. During most of the movie they enjoy minor pleasures. But occasionally when the girl is alone she has attacks of very painful emotions. In the end it turns out that she is a former child-prisoner of a German KZ-lager, who had run away from a mental hospital in bikini and coat. Some of the staff were searching for her. But when she sees them she commits suicide.
Dançando à Chuva
Peter é o típico sombrio deprimido. Levando uma vida vazia, sem forma, ele anseia pela mulher ideal, enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, continuando sem entusiasmo com a sua namorada habitual, Marusa, que é consideravelmente mais velha, facto que Pedro é rápido em apontar. Como atriz em envelhecimento, lutando por papéis no teatro local, ela transpira insegurança e respira incerteza. Juntos, eles passam o tempo no restaurante local a fumar, beber e trocar insultos verbais. "Aposto que vais acabar um bêbado", diz ela a Peter a cada vez. Peter apenas sorri e lhe diz.quantos anos aparenta. Agravado por um diretor ingrato que logo lhe mostra a porta de saída, Marusa descobre que a sua identidade está a ser apertada cada vez mais contra a parede. Para escapar, Peter e Marusa sonham...
A Suspicious Character
A small town is disturbed by the arrival of a "suspicious person", an unknown man wanted by the local authorities. During the hunt, it turns out that the suspect is no one else than the mayor's son-in-law who checked under his false name in order to hide his whereabouts from his girlfriend's parents.
A Child of Community
While everybody show off by giving a child to community's custody, and make career in the process, the child remains alone and neglected.