Anton Máni Svansson

Nascimento : 1984-08-02, Reykjavik, Iceland


In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
Beautiful Beings
A teenage boy, raised by a mother who considers herself psychic, takes a bullied kid into his group of violent misfits. As the group’s troubles escalate toward life-threatening situations, an inner voice awakens in the boy and, with the help of his mother and his new friend, he manages to find his own path.
A história de três irmãos que constroem juntos uma casa na árvore ao longo de um ano. O espectador vivencia a beleza e a brutalidade das estações enquanto os acompanha através das dificuldades e momentos de alegria dos personagens.
Five-year-old Sól and her father live in an isolated house by the sea. Sól spends lonely days with her imagination while her father, a composer, struggles with his music. When Sól senses that her father is burdened by sorrow, she finds solace in an old Icelandic folk tale.
Um Dia Muito Claro
Esta é a história de Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson), pai responsável, viúvo e xerife de uma pequena cidade. No processo de construção de uma casa para sua filha e neta, ele fica obcecado por encontrar o homem que ele suspeita estar envolvido com o desaparecimento de sua esposa. Ao longo do tempo, sua obsessão gradualmente se acumula e inevitavelmente começa a afetar seus entes queridos. A vingança, o sofrimento e o amor incondicional permeiam esse moderno thriller de mistério.
In Touch
The Polish village of Stare Juchy has been pulled apart. A third of the population left to work in Iceland, and those who stayed behind—most of them from the older generation—are hoping for their return. But by now their children and grandchildren are settling into new lives on the other side of Europe. The distance separating them is great and the journey expensive, so they don’t get to hug each other very often. The best alternative is intensive contact by Skype.
Winter Brothers
A brother odyssey set in a workers' environment during a cold winter. We follow two brothers - their routines, habits and rituals - and a violent feud that erupts between them and another family.
Coração de Pedra
Em uma remota vila de pescadores na Islândia, os adolescentes Thor e Christian têm um verão turbulento. Enquanto um tenta ganhar o coração de uma garota, o outro descobre novos sentimentos pelo melhor amigo. Quando a estação termina e a natureza hostil da Islândia reassume seu lugar, chega o momento deles enfrentarem a vida adulta.
A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. One day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more than they bargained for.
Seven Boats
A man is in the ocean fighting for his life. He is surrounded by seven boats.
Jeffrey & Beth
Assistant Camera
Jeffrey & Beth is a short film about Jeffrey, a young African American in Iceland that participates in a self-help group with the hope of winning back his girlfriend. The self-help group is managed by Beth, a self-educated, new age therapist that uses strange methods to reach her goals. As the program progresses, Jeffrey has difficulties figuring out if Beth is really trying to help him get what he wants or not.
Jeffrey & Beth
Jeffrey & Beth is a short film about Jeffrey, a young African American in Iceland that participates in a self-help group with the hope of winning back his girlfriend. The self-help group is managed by Beth, a self-educated, new age therapist that uses strange methods to reach her goals. As the program progresses, Jeffrey has difficulties figuring out if Beth is really trying to help him get what he wants or not.