Joyce Etheridge


A Casa da Colina
Key Makeup Artist
Famoso empresário do ramo de parques temáticos, Stephen Price (Geoffrey Rush) resolve fazer uma surpresa para sua mulher (Famke Janssen) e marca uma festa de aniversário numa casa abandonada há décadas. Entretanto, o que ele não sabe que o local foi sede do Instituto de Psiquiatria para Criminosos de Vannacutt, sede de experiências que incluíam tortura e morte.
Double Tap
Key Makeup Artist
A drug-lord targets an undercover FBI agent and the hit man she falls in love with while tracking.
To Dance With Olivia
Makeup Artist
A lawyer trying to cope with his son's accidental death takes on a case where a farmer is charged with booby trapping a watermelon patch with a shotgun which went off and injured a young boy. But in choosing to defend the farmer, he puts himself at odds with the boy's father, an old friend who is politically influential. In dealing with this case, he is forced to confront his own son's death and his wife's slippage into being a virtual recluse.