Ahmed Yousef


Director of Photography
Habib and his 15 year old son Ahmed from his previous marriage, are brought together by Habib’s worsening state of health. Habib’s political past during the dictatorship in Tunisia is dangerously affecting his present. The roles are reversed, Ahmed has to protect his father and try to keep him safe. Habib and Ahmed find themselves in a chaotic position that neither is prepared for.
Lua de Mel no Egito
Director of Photography
A fim de escapar de sua família intrometida, um solteirão viaja para um destino romântico e acaba fingindo ter casado com uma completa desconhecida.
Director of Photography
Four friends find themselves in an unexpected dilemma after one of them falls for their principal's daughter. They find themselves on the run from a drug gang, a terrorist organization, and the police after they are accused of trying to assassinate the Minister of Interior.
18 Days
10 Film makers made 10 Separate stories about the "25January " revolution in Egypt and the Egyptian people in the revolution and the protests against the previous President Hosni Mubarak and the departure of President Hosni Mubarak and also displays what happened in Tahrir Square since the start of the sit-in
Muito Amor no Coração
Director of Photography
Bulbul meets a successful aristocratic girl named Yasmine, but she's not the romantic type he dreams of, at the same time he admires his cousin Hala for her calmness and kindness. In the middle of all this, the psychiatrist Amal shows up and he thinks of getting engaged to her.