Leo Catozzo

Leo Catozzo

Nascimento : 1912-12-10, Adria, Veneto, Italy

Morte : 1997-03-04


Leo Catozzo


Prestes a rodar sua próxima obra, o cineasta Guido Anselmi (Marcello Mastroianni) ainda não tem idéia de como será o filme. Mergulhado em uma crise existencial e pressionado pelo produtor, pela mulher, pela amante e pelos amigos, ele se interna em uma estação de águas e passa a misturar o passado com o presente, ficção com realidade.
Boccaccio 70
Quatro diretores contam histórias de Eros para um Decameron dos anos 1970. 0:00:24 - Renzo e Luciana (Mario Monicelli) Os amantes da classe trabalhadora, Renzo e Luciana (Marisa Solinas), se casam, mas devem esconder isso do empregador. Além disso, eles precisam de um quarto próprio na casa dos pais. 0:44:50 - A Tentação do Dr. Antonio (Federico Fellini) Um cartaz de Anita Ekberg provocadoramente vendendo leite é um golpe na decência pública, mais do que o Dr. Antonio pode suportar. 1:39:37 - O Trabalho (Luchino Visconti) Romy Schneider é a esposa de um conde, cujas escapadas com call girls fazem as manchetes dos jornais, decide trabalhar para provar sua independência. Mas o que ela está qualificada para fazer? 2:34:45 - A Rifa (Vittorio De Sica) Sophia Loren é gerente de Estande de Tiro que deve impostos e se oferece por uma noite numa rifa. Um sacristão ingênuo e um criador de vacas ciumento completam o triângulo. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Sweet Deceptions
Francesca, a seventeen-year-old Roman, is finally sure she has found love. Almost sure. She spends the day observing other lovers' behaviors and considering whether she is ready to jump. Her age notwithstanding, this movie is more about coming of age than about improper or illegal romantic relationships.
A Doce Vida
Roma, início dos anos 60. O jornalista Marcello (Marcello Mastroianni em desempenho memorável) vive entre as celebridades, ricos e fotógrafos que lotam a badalada Via Veneto. Neste mundo marcado pelas aparências e por um vazio existencial, frequenta festas, conhece os tipos mais extravagantes e descobre um novo sentido para a vida.
A poor girl is convinced she is the daughter of a prince.
This Angry Age
Twenty-year-old Joseph and his sixteen-year-old sister Suzanne live in the merciless conditions of an intemperate foreign land with their widowed mother. Their mother attempts to exert a hold on her children by involving them in the family's run-down rice plantation. However the siblings seek liberation, and look for this in their romantic lives. Suzanne becomes involved with Michael and Joseph finds a love interest in Claude.
Noites de Cabíria
Giulietta Masina interpreta Cabíria, uma prostituta que ganha a vida nas ruas de Roma em meados anos 50. Ingênua, ela sonha com o amor perfeito e acredita na bondade das pessoas. Por isso, sofre constantemente desilusões. Em suas andanças pela noite romana, ela se envolve com um astro de cinema em crise conjugal e, também, com um contador, que parece amá-la de verdade. Será que o destino só guarda desencantos para a pobre Cabíria?
Noites de Cabíria
Man with the Sack (uncredited)
Giulietta Masina interpreta Cabíria, uma prostituta que ganha a vida nas ruas de Roma em meados anos 50. Ingênua, ela sonha com o amor perfeito e acredita na bondade das pessoas. Por isso, sofre constantemente desilusões. Em suas andanças pela noite romana, ela se envolve com um astro de cinema em crise conjugal e, também, com um contador, que parece amá-la de verdade. Será que o destino só guarda desencantos para a pobre Cabíria?
Wealthy teenager Guendalina is a child of divorce. Oberdan, likewise a teenager, is a boy from a blue-collar family. Escaping from the tribulations of her home life, Guendalina creates a dream world of her own, casting Oberdan as her personal Prince Charming. Despite parental objections, girl and boy fall in love. Interestingly enough, the relationship between Guendalina and Oberdan remains pure and chaste throughout their film, which is more than can be said for their parents. their respective parents behave with marked laciviousness.
Guerra e Paz
Durante a invasão do exército de Napoleão à Rússia, a doce Natasha se apaixona pelo conde Pierre Bezukhov, mas este se vê à mercê de um casamento por obrigação com a voluptuosa Helene. Voltando do front, Andrei, amigo de Pierre, recupera a alegria de viver ao se apaixonar por Natasha. Baseado no clássico romance homônimo de Leon Tolstoy.
A Mulher do Rio
When peasant girl Nives is deserted by smuggler Gino Lodi, she betrays him to the police. Police officer Enzo Cinti, who loves Nives, traces her to the Po River cane-fields, where she is working as a cutter to support herself and an infant son, and warns her that Gino has escaped from prison and is seeking revenge. She rejects his offer to protect her. Gino finds Nives, mourning the drowning death of their son. He surrenders himself to the police and then walks at Nives' side in the funeral procession.
Átila, o líder dos hunos bárbaros e chamado pelos romanos de "O Flagelo de Deus", varre a península italiana, derrotando todos os exércitos de Roma, até que ele e seus homens alcançam os portões da própria cidade.
Esta obra cinematográfica é baseada no histórico documento narrativo “A Odisséia”, escrito por Homero. Aqui Ulysses (Kirk Douglas) realiza, após 10 anos de guerra na batalha por Tróia, a uma jornada por terra e mar para tentar voltar para casa, em Ítaca, e para sua esposa Penélope (Silvana Mangano), depois de ter perdido da frota de navios durante uma tempestade. Em sua Odisséia, ele percorre mares e caminhos desconhecidos, enfrentando batalhas contra o gigantesco ciclope Polifemo, soldados, encarando a fúria e as mentiras dos deuses na figura de Poseidon, e derramando seu sangue e suor para tentar permanecer vivo, mesmo já tendo perdido todos os seus companheiros. Até que finalmente, após 20 anos de luta, em sua terra natal, ele enfrente o último e mais perigoso desafio…
A Estrada da Vida
Gelsomina é vendida por sua mãe para Zampanò. Ambos não têm nada em comum: o jeito ingênuo e humilde da jovem é o oposto da rudeza de Zampanò, um artista mambembe. A chegada de um equilibrista que admira especialmente Gelsomina trará acontecimentos inesperados.
The Ship of Condemned Women
After murdering her illegitimate baby, Isabella (Tania Weber) pins the blame on her innocent cousin Consuelo (May Britt). Despite the strenuous efforts of her attorney-lover DeSylva (Ettore Manni), Consuelo is found guilty and shipped to a penal colony along with several other female prisoners.
A Insatisfeita
The ever-growing popularity of Gina Lollobrigida was a decided box-office asset when the Italian La Provinciale was distributed to the U.S. as The Wayward Wife. Lollobrigida acquits herself quite nicely in the tensely dramatic role of a much-put-upon small-town girl named Cemma. Seduced by a lad who turns out to be a relative, Cemma is tossed out of her home. Seeking security, she impulsively marries bookish science professor Franco Vagnuzzi (Gabriele Ferzetti). Bored by her marriage, Cemma doesn't realize the true value of her loving husband until it's almost too late. The original 118-minute run time was reduced for U.S. release.
Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
I tre corsari
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
Vendetta... sarda
First Assistant Director
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
My Heart Sings
First Assistant Director
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Toto the Third Man
First Assistant Director
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Ours are coming
First Assistant Director
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
Toto the Sheik
First Assistant Director
Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.
First Assistant Director
Roaming the vast jungles of Congo with his best friend, Bongo the gorilla, Antonio della Buffas, a mysterious man whom the natives call the "white monkey", is utterly unaware that he is the long-lost son of a wealthy explorer. Then, three opportunists manage to capture and bring the white savage to civilisation, bent on getting their hands on his immense fortune.
I cadetti di Guascogna
First Assistant Director
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
L'inafferrabile 12
First Assistant Director
Two twin brothers grew up and never met (due to the fact that the father with the couple would have had 13 children and therefore for superstition he closed one in an orphanage), the one goalkeeper of Juventus and the other employee at the state lottery.
Adão e Eva
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
The Firemen of Viggiù
First Assistant Director
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.
Toto Tours Italy
First Assistant Director
A professor was appointed member of the jury of a beauty contest and falls for a beautiful contestant. In order to get the girl he must win the "Tour of Italy", so professor sells his soul to the devil to get the winning and the girl.
Fifa e arena
First Assistant Director
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
Assunta Spina
Assistant Director
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
Partenza ore 7
First Assistant Director
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
Anything for a Song
Rather than renouncing his artistic dreams and working in his father's company, a young man, who is vocally equipped, is content to perform at street corners. This allows him to know and fall in love with a beautiful blind girl.
Anything for a Song
Rather than renouncing his artistic dreams and working in his father's company, a young man, who is vocally equipped, is content to perform at street corners. This allows him to know and fall in love with a beautiful blind girl.
A Última Carrozzella
First Assistant Director
Toto (Aldo Fabrizi), a Roman coachman with an old fashioned horse-drawn carriage who objects to the competition from motorised taxis, doesn't want his daughter Nannarella to go out with Roberto, a young taxi driver. But it is Roberto who helps him when he gets into trouble with a former client, Mary Dunchetti (Anna Magnani), an arrogant singer.
La valle del diavolo
La valle del diavolo
Labbra serrate
La donna è mobile
Stasera niente di nuovo
Assistant Director
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.
I Live as I Please
A young farmer, with a magnificent voice, receives an invitation to present himself in a large theater to be hired. In reality, the invitation is a joke made by his cousin.