Kristin Adams Achtmeyer


A Hollywood da década de 1930 é vista pelo olhar crítico do roteirista Herman J. Mankiewicz, em meio aos seus esforços para terminar o roteiro de Cidadão Kane.
O Segredo da Borboleta
Key Costumer
Ann, é uma pessoa misteriosa, que tem uma grande obsessão por borboletas, ao ponto de ter um quarto só para sua coleção em sua casa. Com a tensão crescendo entre ela e Claudia por causa da mudança no comportamento de Julie. Claudia resolve procurar Dorothy, filha de Ann, que vive distante da dele pois sabe que ela é capaz de coisas terríveis. É então que Julie decide entrar escondida no quarto secreto de Ann. Deste ponto em diante, nada mais será como antes.
A Soldier's Love Story
Costume Supervisor
Ten year old Jared Marshall's life crumbled down after his parents' divorce a year ago. Not only does his dad put his job first since, mother uproots him from Iowa by moving in with her ma so she can take a job in California. When Jared's class writes letters to US troops in Bosnia from the nearest base, kindhearted Sergeant First Class Vince Carerra, who grew up fatherless and got divorced because his wife wasn't faithful while he was on tour of duty, takes to the kid and starts a correspondence with 'fatherly' advice. Once his unit returns to Fort Sebastian, Vince calls on Jared's home, warmly welcomed. Vince becomes Jared's personal baseball coach and after some Cupid encouragement, his mother's boyfriend, but on an understanding not to commit because he's likely to be redeployed.
Chasing a Dream
Key Costumer
When high school football player Cam Stiles loses his best friend, he decides to drop football and focus on attaining his friend's goal of running a mile in under four minutes. Cam's decision tears apart his relationship with former teammates and his father—who happens to be his demanding football coach.