Associate Producer
Jakob Fabian, um jovem publicitário, passa seus dias em uma empresa de cigarros e suas noites vagando pelas ruas de Berlim, quando se apaixona por Cornelia, uma bela atriz. Quando a carreira dela floresce, as perspectivas de futuro diminuem em meio ao hedonismo crepuscular da Alemanha pré-nazista.
Ten episodes tell the stories of ten encounters involving a male hooker, an actor, a cleaning lady, a female theater director, a male kindergarten teacher, a poetess, a publisher, a woman, who is a lawyer, a male puppeteer and a female make-up artist. The whole circle is triggered by the off-chance meeting of the poetess and the puppeteer on an overnight bus to Vienna, where the puppeteer succeeds in persuading the poetess to stay for a day in Vienna. All the encounters take place in one day and after 24 hours they meet again, but their lives have changed.