Eva Åkergren


Holy Spider
Uma jornalista desce ao submundo da cidade sagrada iraniana de Mashhad enquanto investiga os assassinatos em série de profissionais do sexo pelo chamado "Spider Killer", que acredita estar limpando as ruas dos pecadores.
A história de um casamento que vai desmoronando pouco a pouco é narrada com o auxílio de dioramas.
Alice percebe que está prestes a perder a custódia de seus dois filhos. Em uma última tentativa desesperada ela os sequestra, e os leva em uma viagem ilegal às Ilhas Canárias.
Line Producer
Tina (Eva Melander) é uma policial que trabalha no aeroporto fiscalizando bagagens e passageiros. Depois de ser atingida por um raio na infância, ela desenvolveu uma espécie de sexto sentido, fazendo com que seja capaz de “ler as pessoas” apenas pelo o olhar. Isso sempre representou uma vantagem na sua profissão, mas tudo muda quando ela identifica um criminoso em potencial e não consegue achar provas para justificar sua intuição. Após o episódio, ela passa a questionar seu dom, ao mesmo tempo em que fica obcecada em descobrir qual o verdadeiro segredo de Vore (Eero Milonoff), seu único suspeito não legitimado.
Além Dos Sonhos
Line Producer
A amizade e os sonhos de uma gangue são postos à prova quando Mirja sai da prisão com a intenção de romper com o passado e embarcar em uma nova vida. Sua escolha é entre ser leal à mãe doente e à irmã mais nova ou apoiar as amigas que realmente eram sua família.
Sangue Lapão
Line Producer
Elle Marja, de 14 anos, é uma garota da etnia sámi. Exposta ao racismo dos anos 1930 e a exames biológicos em seu colégio interno, ela passa a sonhar com outra vida. Para alcançá-la, a jovem tem que se tornar outra pessoa e cortar todos os laços com sua família e sua cultura.
Agente H - Missão Resgate
Production Manager
O agente especial Carl Hamilton já teve uma família. Mas as pessoas que mais amava no mundo foram tiradas dele em um ato de vingança – e agora o rapto de sua afilhada de sete anos de idade traz de volta memórias dolorosamente intensas. Quando a imagem da garota Nathalie surge na internet, começa a ficar claro que o sequestro está diretamente relacionado ao cargo de sua mãe, Ewa Tanguy, chefe do departamento de segurança do governo. Tudo indica que o responsável é um milionário saudita, que quer usar a menina como um exemplo. As autoridades permanecem passivas. Isso significa que é hora de Hamilton entrar em ação, numa perigosa (e suicida) missão de resgate.
Wallander 26 - The Witness
Production Manager
A girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins.
Wallander 25 - The Collector
Production Manager
A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment. The trail leads to her indebted ex-boyfriend, a bouncer. In the investigation, the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous. Isabell carries around a dark secret: one of the suspects, in this case, has a means of pressure against her in her hand. Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman, whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance.
Wallander 24 - The Heritage
Production Manager
When Manfred Stjarne is stabbed to death outside the Brada cider factory his wife Claire has inherited - suspicion falls on Polish worker Jan Kowalski, with whose wife Manfred was having an affair, but Jan is found hanged - later evidence suggesting foul play. Benjamin Wilkes, an ex-psychologist who helped Manfred select redundancy candidates, is killed in the same way as Manfred, putting disgruntled ex-Brada employees in the frame, but a third slaying implicates a former patient of Wilkes, who has connections to the Stjarne family. A newly loved-up Isabelle and Pontius start to fool around whilst on surveillance, taking their eye off the ball and allowing this suspect to confront Claire.
Wallander 23 - The Ghost
Production Manager
Arson is suspected when a house burns to the ground following a gas explosion, and a man and a woman are found dead. Wallander investigates and uncovers an intricate web of lies.
Wallander 22 - Angel of Death
Production Manager
A choir of young women gives a guest performance in a country church outside Ystad. But when an 18-year-old member of the choir disappears, Wallander is brought in to investigate.
Wallander 21 - The Sniper
Production Manager
When a small-time crook is killed by a sniper, Wallander and the Ystad police investigate. Meanwhile, trainee policeman Pontus is forced to reconsider his career.
Wallander 20 - The Leak
Production Manager
The seemingly random murder of a jogger in woodland and the detonation of car bombs in central Ystad are but diversions to busy the police whilst a security van are robbed of 15 million kroner. Isabelle and Portus witness this and give chase but are attacked by the criminals and hospitalized. Given the security firm's meticulous contingency plan Wallander suspects a leak from the inside and aims for Micke Sterner, a compulsive gambler and the only staff member to know the encoded transit schedules. But some private sleuthing by over-worked Svartman, who has found the robbers' den, and Wallander's suspicions of an ex-cop turned security officer with connections to the firm provide the real break-through.
Wallander 19 - The Priest
Production Manager
A priest is shot outside a hotel in Ystad and is fighting for his life in hospital. Wallander has no clues to the shooter until he finds out that the priest was having an affair.
Wallander 18 - The Cellist
Production Manager
A Russian cellist is subject to a bomb attack following a performance in Ystad. It turns out that she is a witness in a murder prosecution against a member of the Russian mafia.
Wallander 17 - The Thief
Production Manager
Homes are being burgled in Ystad and three neighbors form their own vigilante group. Soon Wallander is convinced the group has committed a double murder, although no bodies have been found.
Wallander 16 - Kuriren
Production Manager
After the murder of a motorcyclist, an investigation reveals that bikers are being used as drug couriers from Denmark to Sweden and that the killing was part of a cartel power struggle.