Sean Gunnell

Sean Gunnell


Sean Gunnell


Balloon Animal
Ticket Booth Worker
Poppy Valentine, a young circus performer who has grown up in her family's traveling circus, has never dreamed of what life would be like outside of its fences. However, now in her mid-20s and with more unwelcomed responsibility weighing her down, she's desperate to figure out if this life is for her. As she slowly begins to take time for herself, finding independence and even love, she strains her relationship with those around her in the tight-knit circus community. In the end, amidst her overprotective father, stressful circus expectations, and her blossoming curiosity for a life of her own, she must find a way to be happy.
Uncle Bobby
Two women attempt to come up after beating their drug dealer to death.
Fisioterapia Perigosa
Depois de perder a mobilidade das pernas em um acidente de carro, Tony recebe a ajuda de Daphne, uma fisioterapeuta amorosa. Porém, logo o cuidado da profissional se transforma em uma tentativa doentia de possuí-lo para sempre. Ele poderá escapar de suas garras?
Tall Man
What happens when a seemingly ordinary priest is confronted by a seemingly ordinary man?
Guerras de Drones
Um céu encoberto por fogo e fumaça é tomado por naves pilotadas em diversas direções para extração de recursos na Terra, enquanto Drones patrulham cidades em ruínas, apreendendo tudo o que eles considerem uma ameaça.