Um jovem pinguim, impulsionado por seu instinto, embarca em sua primeira grande viagem a um destino desconhecido.
17-year-old Claire spends her vacation in South Africa with her family, when a tragic accident takes the lives of her parents and younger brother. By a stroke of luck, Claire survives, but finds herself alone, far from home in a country where everything is unfamiliar and intense. Distraught and consumed by guilt in the belief that she is somehow responsible for the death of her family, she runs away and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, guide her from now on.
17-year-old Claire spends her vacation in South Africa with her family, when a tragic accident takes the lives of her parents and younger brother. By a stroke of luck, Claire survives, but finds herself alone, far from home in a country where everything is unfamiliar and intense. Distraught and consumed by guilt in the belief that she is somehow responsible for the death of her family, she runs away and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, guide her from now on.
It is unnecessary to introduce Toscan de Plantier, the famous French film producer. Right from the instant of his death, the idea arose to retain, focus on, and seize the spark that had just disappeared. This would be done by reconstructing, through several hundred interviews over nearly thirty years, the puzzle of this thinker who, under his flamboyant strolling player exterior that celebrated art and life like a party, was extraordinarily true to himself, and from a truly cultural background with which he irrigated the field of action of cinema. His energy, enthusiasm and implacable conviction should excite, move, enlighten, surprise, and provide food for thought, well beyond the professional context that was his, to an era that sorely needs it.
Uma mulher (Isabelle Carré/Kate Winslet na versão inglesa) conta uma história de sua época de criança: em uma manhã de Outono, ela ficou fascinada por uma raposa, e, passados alguns meses observando-a, resolveu se aproximar e desenvolver uma amizade. A partir de seu relacionamento com a raposa - a qual ela chama de Lily - e seus filhotes, a então menina (Bertille Noël-Bruneau) aprende duras lições sobre a vida e sobre como é difícil lidar com animais selvagens.
Assim que os pinguins deixam seu habitat natural na faixa costeira, tem de lutar para executar qualquer tarefa em uma terra congelada. A Marcha dos Pinguins, de Luc Jacquet, que estréia na sexta-feira, cativam o espectador. A Warner Independent, que adquiriu os direitos do documentário francês no Festival de Sundance, acrescentou uma narração em Português feita por Antônio Fagundes e Patricia Pilar, de olho no mercado brasileiro, dando uma linda dramatização ao documentário. O ritmo da música de Wurman é um achado a mais, atenta ao humor e à gravidade do tradicional ritual de acasalamento dos pinguins.a