Ancsa Kriskó


Blade Runner 2049
Makeup Artist
Após descobrir um segredo enterrado há muito tempo, que ameaça o que resta da sociedade, um novo policial embarca na busca de Rick Deckard, que está desaparecido há 30 anos.
Key Makeup Artist
Baseado em eventos reais, este thriller psicológico se passa na Hungria da década de 1960, quando uma série de assassinatos chocam a pequena cidade de Martfü. Um assassino psicótico está à espreita, que continua a matar jovens, enquanto um inocente é acusado e condenado por crimes que ele nunca poderia ter cometido. Um detetive determinado chega no local e logo fica obcecado com o caso, enquanto o promotor o pressiona para que alguém seja condenado.
Makeup Artist
Interviews with 3 people who had near death experiences.
Where Were You, My Son?
Makeup Artist
Set in a large apartment in Hungary during the death throes of communism, obedient Andor lives with his eccentric mother, Rebeka, a once-celebrated stage actress-turned-recluse. After years of coexisting in a love-hate relationship marked by routine and possible incest, Andor brings home Eszter, a beautiful girl his own age. Her advances awaken Andor's repressed desires, the depths of which prove shocking. Opera director Robert Alfoldi renders this bizarre story in a melodramatic style, and veteran Hungarian stage star Dorottya Udvaros rises to the occasion. If you can imagine the intersecting area on a Venn diagram that includes Taxidermia and Sunset Blvd., that's where Where Were You, My Son? was born. The original title, Nyugalom, which translates to Tranquility, is ironic to say the least. ...over and violins (Variety).