Jack the Ripper terrorizes London in 1888. The young talented journalist Catherine Winwood begins her first job. The relationship between Catherine and the surgeon Jonathan Stevens threatens to shatter, as her fiancé may be involved in the gruesome murderer of young prostitutes in the Whitechapel district. But Inspector Frederick Abberline arrests another suspected surgeon ..
Versão do clássico de Shakespeare, "Sonho de Uma Noite de Verão - O Filme" traz um novo personagem: o garoto que tem o sonho do título. De pijama e com olhos curiosos, ele acompanha o desenrolar da comédia visitando lugares mágicos. Primeiro, passa pelo reino de Thesus e da rainha Hipólita, onde presencia o drama de dois jovens que se amam, mas não podem ficar juntos. Depois, encontra um grupo de atores amadores preparando-se para encenar uma peça. E por fim, visita o reino das fadas, onde todas as histórias se unem. Ali, o enciumado rei Oberon e Puck, o duende, aramarão mil jogos e intrigas com os demais personagens, retardando seu encontro com a tão sonhada felicidade.
At the request of his old war time colleague Ailsa Brimley, George Smiley agrees to look into the murder of Stella Rode. Brimley had only just received a letter from her saying she feared for her life at her husband's hand. The husband, Stanley Rode teaches at Carne School, but Smiley is doubtful that he had anything to do with his wife's death. As Smiley investigates, he learns that Stella was a nosy busybody who loved to learn other's little secrets and then gossip about them - or possibly blackmail them. When a student is killed and Smiley unearths a secret, he has the evidence to name the killer.Based on John Le Carré's 1962 thriller (his first) in which George Smiley is brought out of spy retirement to solve a murder in a British public school. The setting is based on Le Carre"s own schooldays in Sherborne and his brief experience teaching at Eton.