Wim and Kevin work at a laundromat. By day, things are boring, but when the sun sets they party in their clients’ clothes. During a party, they discover a chopped-off finger in a client’s suit’s jacket. The underhanded owner of the finger, his sons, and a ruthless traitor are hot on Wim and Kevin’s heels and have no regard for their safety.
Sanet Marais
Yvette has dreamed of performing Romeo and Juliet since starting high school. Now, in her final year, the headmaster has decided to use the school's entire arts and culture budget to fund a T20 event. In a last ditch effort to put on the play, they ask the school's cricket hero, Marko Marais, to play the role of Romeo.
Basson tem cinco dias para chegar ao funeral de seu pai, em Cape Town, mas precisa executar certas tarefas nesta viagem, antes de chamar a empresa familiar de sua. Na estrada, ele encontra uma menina boêmia de espírito livre, Amory. Viajando através de paisagens de tirar o fôlego da África do Sul, eles encontram personagens maravilhosos que permitem momentos hilários e experiências diversas.