Gheorghe Blondă is the analog film laboratory technician from the National Film University of Bucharest. Under the pretext of modernizing the university, he is to be replaced and have his life-long career end. With the filming taking place at the same time as the anti-corruption protests in 2017, Romania, the film brings to light the ways in which the university, a public institution, mirrors the autorities that rule the country. Despite the leading board of the university claiming that it's a natural technological transition, Gheorghe's struggle to keep his job becomes a matter of life or death.
Assistant Editor
Six passengers are traveling to the seaside in a train compartment. After a while, a suspicion makes some of them lose their composure and the remainder of the trip goes terribly wrong.
Additional Editor
Após um trágico incêndio em um clube romeno, em 30 de outubro de 2015, as vítimas de queimaduras começam a morrer em hospitais devido a ferimentos que não são fatais. Uma equipe de jornalistas investigativos entra em ação, descobrindo a corrupção em massa do sistema de saúde e das instituições do Estado, abordando questões sobre propaganda e manipulação que até hoje afetam não apenas a Romênia, mas também sociedades em todo o mundo.
An aged woman is taking a bath. While entering the water a new world reveals. The phone, on a chair, connects her with her son and keeps her linked to the world.
Lary (Mimi Branescu) vai com a esposa à casa da família, para a comemoração de um ano desde a morte do pai. Lá eles encontram outros familiares, das mais diversas gerações. Todos aguardam a chegada de um padre da Igreja Ortodoxa para realizar uma oração e benzer a casa. Enquanto esperam, as conversas paralelas revelam desde banalidades da vida cotidiana até conflitos entre alguns integrantes.
Sound Recordist
In an improvised night club called "Tokoriki" the whole village celebrates Gianina's 18th birthday. Her boyfriend and Alin will give her a most surprising gift, one that nobody will ever forget.
At the intersection of a provincial track and an international road a Gypsy community of a small Romanian town begin and end their day. It is the point of the geographical crossing that divides them from the rest of the world and keeps them within the traditional lifestyle, where in generations survive families, elderly, men and women, children and teenagers.
At the intersection of a provincial track and an international road a Gypsy community of a small Romanian town begin and end their day. It is the point of the geographical crossing that divides them from the rest of the world and keeps them within the traditional lifestyle, where in generations survive families, elderly, men and women, children and teenagers.