In the wake of a devastating plague, that has killed most of the world's population, a man named Rory searches for other survivors, for answers, and for hope in a post-apocalyptic world, where nothing is quite as it seems.
Street Performer
Em 1988, três lendários ladrões de túmulos, os Mojin, se aposentam e mudam para Nova York. Hu Bayi (Kun Chen) e Shirley Yang (Shu Qi) acabam se envolvendo romanticamente, enquenato Wang Kaixuan (Bo Huang) pensa que o grande Mojin merece mais do que os problemas financeiros que eles enfrentam nos Estados Unidos. O trio volta à ativa no interior da Mongólia, China, quando recebem a missão de encontrar o túmulo de uma antiga princesa do local.
Assistant Production Manager
August 1936, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 51 members of the Claretian community of Barbastro (Huesca) are martyred, die for their faith. The film recounts the last weeks of his life, since they are held until they are finally shot. During that time, they perform various writings they talk about their situation, of his fellow captives, people who saw them. These writings have been the basic testimony used to narrate this real fact in film version.
Doña Pura
August 1936, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 51 members of the Claretian community of Barbastro (Huesca) are martyred, die for their faith. The film recounts the last weeks of his life, since they are held until they are finally shot. During that time, they perform various writings they talk about their situation, of his fellow captives, people who saw them. These writings have been the basic testimony used to narrate this real fact in film version.