Julie Goldman

Nascimento : , New York City, New York, USA


The Eternal Memory
Executive Producer
Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her.
Vítima X Suspeita
Investigative journalist Rae de Leon travels nationwide to uncover and examine a shocking pattern: Young women tell the police they’ve been sexually assaulted, but instead of finding justice, they’re charged with the crime of making a false report, arrested, and even imprisoned by the system they believed would protect them.
Love to Love You, Donna Summer
The extraordinary story of disco queen Donna Summer through a rich archive of unpublished film excerpts, home video, photographs, artwork, writings, personal audio and other recordings that span the life of one of the most iconic performers ever to shake a room to its timbers. From her early career with Giorgio Moroder in Germany, to later years more focused on spirituality and family life as a shelter from troubles associated with both notoriety and intimate wounds, her story is all the more special for being told in the first person – both singular and plural.
Saúl Armendáriz, a gay amateur wrestler from El Paso, rises to international stardom after he creates the ‘exotico’ character Cassandro, the ‘Liberace of Lucha Libre.’ In the process, he upends not just the macho wrestling world, but also his own life.
Take Your Pills: Xanax
Para algumas pessoas, a cura. Para outras, uma maldição. Neste documentário surpreendente, pacientes e especialistas lançam um olhar sobre os ansiolíticos.
The Fire That Took Her
Mother-of-two Judy Malinowski, then 31, was doused in petrol and set on fire by her crazed ex-boyfriend – and one of the first ever to testify from beyond the grave, at the trial for her own murder. A story that lives at the intersection of true crime and #MeToo, THE FIRE THAT TOOK HER goes deep inside a landmark case to ask a timely question: How much must women suffer in order to be believed?
Retorno de Tanya Tucker: com Brandi Carlile
A lendária e pioneira cantora Tanya Tucker desafiou todas as normas de como uma mulher deveria se comportar no mundo da música country. Décadas depois que Tanya saiu dos holofotes, a estrela em ascensão da música americana Brandi Carlile decidiu escrever um álbum inteiro dedicado à sua heroína, com base na vida extraordinária de Tanya – estimulando a maior volta por cima da história da música country.
Vicenta B.
Vicenta Bravo is a woman with a special gift for reading cards and fortelling people's future. Every day folk flock to her home looking for solutions to their problems. Vicenta lives happily with her son, until he decides to leave Cuba and everything starts to fall apart. Thrown into a crisis that prevents her from seeing what's happening around her, Vicenta will embark on a journey taking her inland to a country where everyone seems to have lost their faith.
Unfinished Business
An intimate look at the formation and legacy of the WNBA, and flagship team New York Liberty’s dramatic 2021 season, as they play for acceptance, respect, and the future of basketball.
American Pain
American Pain tells the jaw-dropping story of twin brothers Chris and Jeff George who open up a chain of pain clinics in Florida where they hand out pain pills like candy.
The Velvet Underground
Descubra o legado dessa banda emblemática no seu primeiro grande documentário. Dirigido por Todd Haynes, com o espírito de vanguarda da época, a história caleidoscópica combina entrevistas exclusivas com imagens de arquivo surpreendentes.
In the Same Breath: Verdades e Mentiras da Pandemia
Documentário que narra a origem e a propagação do coronavírus desde seus primeiros dias em Wuhan até sua disseminação pelos Estados Unidos.
Agente Duplo
Production Executive
Um investigador particular no Chile contrata uma pessoa para trabalhar como espiã em um asilo onde há a suspeita de abusos contra os idosos.
Socks on Fire
Executive Producer
A poet composes a cinematic love letter to his grandmother as his homophobic aunt and drag queen uncle wage war over her estate in Hokes Bluff, Alabama.
A Thousand Cuts
Nowhere is the worldwide erosion of democracy, fueled by social media disinformation campaigns, more starkly evident than in the authoritarian regime of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Journalist Maria Ressa places the tools of the free press—and her freedom—on the line in defense of truth and democracy.
Bully. Covarde. Vítima. A História de Roy Cohn
Conheça a história de Roy Cohn, o advogado que ajudou a mandar seus avós, Julius e Ethel Rosenberg, para a cadeira elétrica.
This Is Not a Movie: Robert Fisk and the Politics of Truth
Executive Producer
For more than forty years, British journalist Robert Fisk has reported on some of the most violent conflicts in the world, from Northern Ireland to the Middle East, always with his feet on the ground and a notebook in hand, travelling into landscapes devastated by war, ferreting out the facts and sending reports to the media he works for with the ambition of catching the interest of an audience of millions.
O Apollo: 85 Anos
Executive Producer
O filme conta a história única do marco da cidade de Nova York que se tornou um sagrado salão de excelência e empoderamento afro-americano.
One Child Nation
Depois de se tornar mãe, um cineasta descobre a história incontável da política de um filho da China e as gerações de pais e filhos moldados para sempre por esse experimento social.
Inventando o Amanhã
Executive Producer
Take a journey with young minds from around the globe as they prepare their projects for the largest convening of high school scientists in the world, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Watch these passionate innovators find the courage to face the planet’s environmental threats while navigating adolescence.
The Raft
Executive Producer
In 1973, five men and six women drifted across the Atlantic on a raft as part of a scientific experiment exploring the origins of violence and sexual attraction. Nobody expected what ultimately took place on that 3-month journey. Through archive material and a reunion of the surviving members of the expedition, this film tells the hidden story of the project.
A look at one of Chicago’s more troubled South Side neighborhoods from the point of view of two young boxers and their families.
Love, Gilda
Executive Producer
A parte da vida de Gilda Radner que o público não teve o privilégio de conhecer: relacionamentos, sucesso, fama e até um câncer no ovário. Gravações pessoais raras, páginas de diário e depoimentos de amigos e admiradores, como Amy Poehler, Cecily Strong e Lorne Michaels, são mostrados, funcionando como um tributo à comediante do Saturday Night Live.
Tome Suas Pílulas
Alguns medicamentos oferecem a estudantes, atletas, programadores e pessoas de todas as áreas a chance de fazer mais coisas, mais rápido e melhor. Mas tudo tem seu preço.
The Final Year
Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years.
A Família Que Eu Tive
Executive Producer
In The Family I Had, a mother recalls how her brilliant teenage son came to shatter their idyllic family through one horribly violent and shocking act. Now, left to pick up the pieces, the survivors test the boundaries of their newly defined reality in this moving true crime exploration of the nature and limits of familial love.
Wenn Gott schläft
Executive Producer
Iranian musician Shahin Najafi flees his homeland and heads to Cologne, Germany after harsh criticism by several clerics over the release of his song speaking out against human rights abuses resulted in a fatwa being issued.
Abacus: Pequeno o Bastante Para Condenar
Um mergulho no singular processo da família Sung de imigrantes chineses, donos do banco Abacus Federal Savings, acusados de fraude hipotecária em 2012 pelo promotor de Nova York, Cyrus Vance Jr., na esteira da grave crise financeira de 2008. Durante cinco anos, Thomas Sung, o advogado nascido em Xangai que fundou o banco em 1984, e suas três filhas, moveram uma desgastante e custosa batalha contra as autoridades, defendendo-se das acusações de envolvimento com irregularidades atribuídas a seus empregados e de recebimento de propinas.
Executive Producer
Documentary featuring a jaw-dropping, behind-the-scenes look at the attempted comeback of Anthony Weiner in 2013 as he mounts a campaign for New York City mayor in the wake of his sexting scandal. Featuring unfettered access to the candidate and his campaign.
A Sacada
Jim Stone (Nicolas Cage) e David Waters (Eliajh Wood) são dois policiais e parceiros, que descobrem um cofre escondido dentro do departamento policial onde trabalham. Intrigados, eles decidem roubar o cofre, desvendando uma rede de corrupção muito maior do que poderiam imaginar. A descoberta leva à paranoia, e ao medo de serem assassinados.
Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray
Executive Producer
The self-help industry is worth $11 billion dollars a year. It’s an industry that captivates those seeking happiness, release from suffering and those longing for a path and a leader to follow. James Arthur Ray for many who followed him was that leader to guide his flock. But as the story unfolds, as told by Ray himself and also by his followers, we learn that that path was fraught with danger and perhaps even greater suffering.
Life, Animated
At three years old, a chatty, energetic little boy named Owen Suskind ceased to speak, disappearing into autism with apparently no way out. Almost four years passed and the only stimuli that engaged Owen were Disney films. Then one day, his father donned a puppet—Iago, the wisecracking parrot from Aladdin—and asked “what’s it like to be you?” And poof! Owen replied, with dialogue from the movie. Life, Animated tells the remarkable story of how Owen found in Disney animation a pathway to language and a framework for making sense of the world.
3 ½ Minutes, 10 Bullets
Executive Producer
Sexta-feira Negra, o dia seguinte ao Dia de Ação de Graças de novembro de 2012, quatro garotos em um SUV vermelho estacionam em um posto de gasolina depois de passar um tempo no shopping comprando tênis e conversando com garotas. Com a música tocando, um menino sai do carro e entra na loja, uma parada rápida para um refrigerante e um pacote de chiclete. Um homem e uma mulher param ao lado dos meninos na estação, fazendo uma parada para uma garrafa de vinho. A mulher entra na loja e uma discussão começa quando o motorista do segundo carro pede aos garotos que abaixem a música. 3½ minutos e dez balas depois, um dos meninos está morto. 3½ MINUTOS dissecam as conseqüências desse encontro fatal.
O Melhor dos Inimigos
Executive Producer
Um documentário sobre a lendária série de debates, transmitidos pela TV nacionalmente em 1968, entre dois grandes intelectuais públicos, o liberal Gore Vidal e o conservador William F. Buckley Jr. Produzidos para comentar as questões de seu dia-a-dia, esses encontros ácidos e explosivos vieram definir a era moderna do discurso público na mídia, marcando o momento da grande explosão de nossa paisagem de mídia contemporânea quando o espetáculo superou conteúdo e o argumento substituiu a substância. O Melhor dos Inimigos mergulha nas biografias emaranhadas desses dois grandes pensadores e nos presenteia com a linguagem e o teatro de seus debates, nos impondo a pergunta: "Quanto a televisão determinou na forma como discutimos a política hoje em nossa democracia?" (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A História de um Falsificador
Executive Producer
For several decades, gifted and incredibly prolific forger Mark Landis compulsively created impeccable copies of works by a variety of major artists, donating them to institutions across the country and landing pieces on many of their walls. ART AND CRAFT brings us into the cluttered and insular life of an unforgettable character just as he finds his foil in an equally obsessive art registrar.
The Great Invisible
Penetrating the oil industry's secretive world, The Great Invisible examines the Deepwater Horizon disaster through the eyes of oil executives, explosion survivors and Gulf Coast residents who were left to pick up the pieces when the world moved on.
God Loves Uganda
A powerful exploration of the evangelical campaign to infuse African culture with values imported from America's Christian Right. The film follows American and Ugandan religious leaders fighting sexual immorality and missionaries trying to convince Ugandans to follow biblical law.
Uma Nação Vira-Lata: Histórias de Medo, Perda e Traição
.Americans have had a long love affair with dogs, with many of us referring to our canine companions as best friends, significant others, soul mates, even children. But lost amidst all the pampering and pedestaling are hard and often tragic truths surrounding dog ownership, care and commerce, not to mention the daunting odds continuing to face millions of unwanted shelter dogs. Divided into three parts – “Fear,” “Loss” and “Betrayal” – this 73-minute documentary is comprised of eight case studies that probe the complicated and conflicted relationship we have with canines. Collectively, the segments reveal the sobering realities behind our relationship with dogs, showing not only how far some dog lovers will go for their pets, but how far we as nation have to go in order to treat all dogs humanely.
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Executive Producer
An account of the many tribulations that Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, known for his subversive art and political activism, endured between 2008 and 2011, from his rise to world fame via the Internet to his highly publicized arrest due to his frequent and daring confrontations with the Chinese authorities.
Alcorão de Cor
Acompanhe a rotina das crianças que participam do concurso de leitura do Alcorão, durante o Ramadã, o período sagrado do islamismo.
Better This World
Executive Producer
Set amid arrests and subsequent trials surrounding the 2008 Republican National Convention, this portrait of two young activists caught in the web of an opportunistic mentor and a desperate justice system poignantly describes both the problems of power and the power of forgiveness and love.
Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo
Executive Producer
Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo' goes behind prison walls to follow convict cowgirls on their journey to the 2007 Oklahoma State Penitentiary Rodeo. In 2006, female inmates were allowed to participate for the first time. In a state with the highest female incarceration rate in the country, these women share common experiences such as broken homes, drug abuse and alienation from their children. Since 1940, the Oklahoma State Penitentiary has held an annual 'Prison Rodeo'. Part Wild West show and part coliseum-esque spectacle, it's one of the last of its kind - a relic of the American penal system. Prisoners compete on wild-broncs and bucking bulls, risking life-long injuries. For inmates like Danny Liles, a 14-year veteran of the rodeo, the chance to battle livestock offers a brief respite from prison life. Within this strange arena the prisoners become the heroes while the public and guards applaud
Sons of Perdition
An inside look at polygamist teens who have become religious refugees in mainstream America.
The Nine Lives of Marion Barry
Executive Producer
Many people remember Marion Barry as the philandering drug-addled mayor of the nation's capital. He's the poster boy for corruption, a pariah. Yet to others, Marion Barry is a folk hero who has dominated Washington D.C. city politics for over 40 years. Today, Barry is once again in the political limelight. Who is Marion Barry, really? A hero? A scoundrel?
Figura carismática e brilhante negociador sociopolítico, o diplomata Sérgio Vieira de Mello dedicou sua carreira a cuidar de questões humanitárias em áreas de risco. Embaixador da ONU no Iraque, um ataque terrorista em Bagdá tirou a sua vida em 2003.
Goth Cruise
Executive Producer
A look at the growing allure of Goth culture in England and the USA...on a boat.
Three of Hearts: A Postmodern Family
Executive Producer
In his early twenties, Sam Cagnina, oldest son of a Mafia hit man, meets Steven, a handsome 19-year old college student and they fall in love. Then, after a few years Sam offers Steven a "visionary" idea. What if they could find a woman who would fall in love with both of them and agree to live in a "trio" relationship? They spend the next 7 years dating and looking for that special woman. Finally, they meet Samantha, a young, struggling actress. THREE OF HEARTS explores this very unique trio union as they negotiate their living arangements, fall in love and open one of the hottest wellness centres in New York City. Everyone who comes in contact with them is never quite sure how the relationship works. But the one thing which seems certain is their love for each other.
Directed by Alan Smithee
Executive Producer
This documentary on the elusive director Alan Smithee was first shown on the American Movie Classics (AMC) cable channel. We learn where the name came from and why the Directors Guild of America (DGA) first allowed his name to be used on Richard Widmark's western Death of a Gunfighter. The film follows the numerous problems that director Tony Kaye had during the production and post-production of the film American History X and why the DGA refused to allow Alan Smithee to be credited for that film.
Hellhounds on My Trail: The Afterlife of Robert Johnson
Executive Producer
Hellhounds On My Trail is a tribute to the influence of Delta Blues legend Robert Johnson and the effect that he has had on today's music. The film was made in conjunction with the "American Masters Series" week-long tribute put on by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and chronicles the legacy of Robert Johnson through interviews and speeches by a number of musicologists and through the performances of Robert Johnson's work by a number of fairly popular contemporary artists. The film features performances from Rob Wasserman and Bob Weir from the Grateful Dead; Keb' Mo; Robert Lockwood Jr.; G Love and Special Sauce; Gov't Mule and a lot of other performers.
Asian Health Secrets
Executive Producer
Herbalist Letha Hadady shares the secrets of her trade in this fascinating lesson in nontraditional medicine, revealing which Chinese herbs help mitigate conventional Western diseases such as high blood pressure, depression and diabetes. You'll also discover certain food products that contribute to overall health. Follow Letha to her kitchen, where she concocts her potent potions, and find out how you can replicate her approach in your home.