Boris Yukhananov


The Genre follows the rehearsals for a theatre play by an independent company in the Soviet Union, in 1991.
The Genre follows the rehearsals for a theatre play by an independent company in the Soviet Union, in 1991.
The Genre follows the rehearsals for a theatre play by an independent company in the Soviet Union, in 1991.
Neste jogo interpretativo especialmente criado, o famoso final da Copa do Mundo de 2006 e os eventos que levaram a ele emergem sob a forma de um espetáculo místico. Os cineastas transformam Zinedine Zidane, Marco Materazzi e outros futebolistas, treinadores, árbitros, jornalistas, comentaristas e os 2,5 bilhões de espectadores que viram o jogo em heróis de um conto entregue como uma mensagem para toda a humanidade.
Neste jogo interpretativo especialmente criado, o famoso final da Copa do Mundo de 2006 e os eventos que levaram a ele emergem sob a forma de um espetáculo místico. Os cineastas transformam Zinedine Zidane, Marco Materazzi e outros futebolistas, treinadores, árbitros, jornalistas, comentaristas e os 2,5 bilhões de espectadores que viram o jogo em heróis de um conto entregue como uma mensagem para toda a humanidade.
The Mad Prince: Fassbinder
This film was shot in 1988. The main action takes place in a rock group's studio during the visit of a few acolytes from Theatre Theatre. It is all served up in connection with Fassbinder «s notion of Antitheatre. The theme of the “mad prince” in actors» improvisations intertwines with the fate of the director and of directing in general. The adventures of the spirit form the true tale of this film. We use only the single interior, the studio room where nothing happens aside from the pulsations of spirit. It comes to life here, and it rests, as if gaining new strength. The Mad Prince Fassbinder is, indeed, spirit. Only a free camera is capable of capturing this freedom.
The Mad Prince - The Japanese
The basis for the making of this film was a TV show to which many figures of the «youth culture» were invited. Boris Yukhananov turned this into a video project. This plot recurs twice in the film, forming a compositional counterbalance, at the beginning in the guise of a black-and-white television set, and at the end by means of the video action itself. Throughout the entire film we follow a Japanese man who is a kind of medium, a superhero, a bloated ghost of life after death, thus emphasizing the speculative spirit of the huge interest then being paid to «youth culture.» His adventures begin at a lecture podium that is replaced by an autopsy table in a morgue, and they gradually move on to an endless ritual dance with death in its various forms.
The Mad Prince: Playing XO