Kristin Shepherd

Kristin Shepherd


Kristin Shepherd


Kicking Blood
A female vampire is inspired to kick blood and become human again when she inadvertently helps a charming alcoholic become clean. The only problem is, withdrawal could kill her.
Um Passado de Presente
Mrs Claus
Depois de ser transportado para os dias atuais, um cavaleiro medieval se apaixona por uma professora de ciências desiludida com o amor.
Winnipeg Doctor
The life of a professional hockey player was not always a glamorous one. For legendary goaltender Terry Sawchuk, each save means one more gash to his unmasked face and one more drink to numb the pain. Sawchuk traveled across the country racking up 103 shutouts and 400 stitches to his face, proving that this is a man who lives, breathes, and dies a goalie.
Trouble In The Garden
Officer #2
A jailed activist is bailed out by her brother, who happens to be involved with the very land development she was protesting.
História de Amor no Inverno
Master of Ceremonies
Cassie é uma escritora iniciante que acaba de ter seu primeiro livro publicado. Para ajudar na divulgação do projeto, ela faz turnê com Elliot, um autor famoso, e os dois acabam se apaixonando no processo.
Noël en boîte
Sophie, a U.S. TV star, finds out shortly before Christmas that she is the subject of compromising photos. Under the pretext of granting the photographer an exclusive interview in exchange for the pictures, the young woman invites him to spend Christmas at her aunt’s in northern Ontario. Will Sophie successfully come to terms with her painful past?
A Colônia
No futuro, uma nova Era do Gelo afeta a Terra, destruindo quase toda a população do planeta. Os raros sobreviventes encontram abrigos subterrâneos, onde a vida é precária. Mas logo um pequeno grupo de resistentes vai descobrir uma ameaça ainda mais perigosa do que o clima hostil.