Leon Lissek

Leon Lissek

Nascimento : 1927-01-01, Australia


Leon Lissek is an Australian born actor who primarily works in the UK. He has appeared in over 80 films in a career that stretches back to the 1960s and has done extensive work in television both in the UK and Australia.


Leon Lissek


Eu Realmente Odeio o Meu Trabalho
Old Man #1
While anticipating the arrival of a famous Hollywood star, five employees at a mediocre restaurant in London's Soho must deal with rats, arguments and kitchen-based power struggles.
Song of Songs
Rabbi Berg
Devoutly religious Ruth returns from Israel to care for her dying mother, but when she tries to bring her estranged brother David back into the fold, in accordance with her mother's wishes, the result is a startling journey into the darkest realms of sexual obsession: a forbidden game under the guise of religious law. Dark, ambiguous and distinctly adult, this study of belief and desire, set in the cloistered world of London's Orthodox Jewish community, thoughtfully explores the links between faith and violence, denial and longing.
Dr. Horowitz
A beautiful psychiatrist befriends an abused patient, ultimately leading to lust and murder.
Esther Kahn
Theatre manager
A Jewish girl in 19th century London dreams of becoming a stage actress.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure
Sheik Es-Salih
In the first film in the series, in May 1908, famed Professor Henry Jones Sr. is invited to give lectures all over the world. He takes along his wife and son, and invites his former tutor Miss Helen Seymour to teach Henry Jr. during the trip. Their first stop is Cairo, Egypt. When Junior, who prefers to be called 'Indy' and Miss Seymour visit the pyramids, they are invited by T.E. Lawrence (another former student of hers) to join an archaeological dig. When the mummy disappears and a priceless headpiece is stolen, young Indy gets his first taste of adventure. On their next stop in Tangiers, the family stays with Professor Jones' former class mate Walter Harris. Indy befriends a young slave named Omar who belongs to Emily Keen. The two of them get into trouble when they Indy insists on visiting the market place to see a salted head displayed on a pole. Caught by slave traders, they are end up at an auction from which only Harris can attempt to rescue them.
Paulo - O Emissário
A sua vida transformou o mundo antigo e continua confrontando o mundo de hoje. Os seguidores de Jesus, no primeiro século, formaram um grupo pequeno dentro do Judaísmo. No começo, não apresentavam uma ameaça a ninguém e muito menos ao poderoso Império Romano. Mesmo assim, um homem chamado Saulo fez-se o grande perseguidor da Igreja. No entanto, dentro de poucos anos, o temido perseguidor passou a ser advogado da Fé Cristã. Convertido dramaticamente no caminho de Damasco, seu nome mudado de Saulo para Paulo, ele se tornou o maior missionário da História e o autor de 13 dos 27 livros do Novo Testamento.
Os Amores de Picasso
Em 1943 o famoso pintor Pablo Picasso (Anthony Hopkins), com 60 anos, conhece Françoise Gilot (Natascha McElhone), que tem 23 anos, sonha ser pintora e idolatra o grande mestre. Ela se tornaria sua amante, mas isto não impede Picasso de ser infiel. Françoise lhe dá dois filhos, Claude e Paloma, e aceita as mulheres dele como parte do relacionamento. Ele, em contrapartida, lhe mostra grandes obras de arte e a apresenta aos grandes mestres, mas a união gradativamente começa a se desgastar de forma inexorável.
As Profecias de Nostradamus
A dramatic retelling of the life of Michel de Nostredame, from his early work as a plague doctor to his time at the court of Catherine de Medici, after he became famed for his prophetic almanacs. Stars Rutger Hauer and Julia Ormond.
Nobody's Children
Dr. Preda
An American couple's battle through bureaucracy to adopt a Romanian child.
O Processo
Second Stairman
Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite being "arrested," is allowed to remain free and go to work. But despite the strange nature of his arrest, Joseph soon learns that his trial, however odd, is very real, and tries desperately to spare himself from the court's judgement.
Running Late
Harold Zec
Television interviewer George Grant, renowned for his ability to get at the truth, is at the peak of his career. But when he receives a message at his office that his wife needs to see him urgently - a matter of life and death - his life is irreversibly altered. And so the frantic search begins for George Grant 's truth - and his wife.
Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady
Stage Door-Keeper
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
Forgotten Prisoners: The Amnesty Files
A lawyer representing Amnesty International tries to find the whereabouts and condition of 17 political prisoners detained in a country known for its systematic torture of prisoners.
Myles Sheffield
In the small town of Coopers Bay, there are two high schools situated right next to each other. There’s Winchester, an all boys comprehensive and St Elizabeth’s, a girl’s only Catholic faculty. They are separated by woodland where pupils from both can meet and engage the things that attract the attention of maniac killers. It’s not surprising then that an unseen one begins murdering the youngsters as they fornicate, strangling them with a length of barbed wire before removing their eyes and burying them under the soil. Mary, the daughter of a Hollywood movie actress, becomes involved when the killer targets her and Kevin, her boyfriend. But who is this twisted psychopath and why does he want to kill all the kids?
Small Zones
Intertwined story of the lives of two women; an Englishwoman suffering abuse from her violent husband, and a Russian poet serving hard labour because of her subversive work.
A Vida do Jovem Toscanini
M° Superti
A fanciful biopic of legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini as a very young man.
A Insustentável Leveza do Ser
Bold Man in Bar
Em meados dos anos 60, em Praga, Tomas conhece a inocente Tereza e os dois se apaixonam. Porém, o médico também mantém relações com Sabina, uma mulher refinada. Mas a vida deste triângulo amoroso será afetada pelos acontecimentos deste período.
Personal Services
Mr. Popozogolou
The story of the rise of a madame of a suburban brothel catering to older men, inspired by the real experiences of Cynthia Payne. The story follows Christine Painter as the down-at-heel waitress who, with the help of prostitute Shirley and cross-dressing Wing Commander Morten, seeks to up her earnings by turning her suburban home into a brothel. Before long she and her girls are chaining up judges, spanking Generals and attending to the needs of Honourable Members. Christine sees herself as providing a vital service to these harmless pervs and when finally the house is busted and the case comes to court, it's fair to say that the presiding judge isn't unfamiliar with her work.
The Fools on the Hill
Isaac Shoenberg
This is a dramatisation of the events surrounding the opening night of British television on November 2, 1936 at Alexandra Place in London. It was produced to commemorate its 50th anniversary.
Whoops Apocalypse
Politburo Member
When a small British owned island in the Caribbean is invaded and the world's most dangerous terrorist kidnaps a member of the Royal family, the countdown to World War 3 begins. If anyone can prevent the oncoming apocalypse it's the American President, but her closest ally the British Prime Minister appears to have gone stark raving mad.
Squaring the Circle
3rd Witness
An account of how Lech Walesa and the "Solidarity" trade union confronted the might of Communist dictatorship in Poland.
The Tragedy of Coriolanus
Third Citizen
BBC rendition of Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Inside the Third Reich
A dramatization of the life of Albert Speer, Hitler's young architect and onetime confidant, and his meteoric rise into the Nazi hierarchy. Based upon Speer's own monograph of the same title.
Baal is an amoral poetic genius who, after a life of debauchery, betrayal and violence, is about to cut his ties to the world and meet his doom. A high society party is where the end begins.
The Island of Adventure
Four British teens on vacation visit an island and discover that a terrorist group is using it as their headquarters.
Os Bandidos do Tempo
Refugee #1
Seis anões, perseguidos por um certo Ser Supremo, escoltam um adolescente inglês através do tempo. Usando um mapa, eles viajam no tempo ao mesmo tempo em que fogem dos perigos. Ótimo roteiro, repleto de idéias originais e engraçadas, com direção brilhante de Terry Gilliam e o humor típico do grupo Monty Python.
Sweeney 2
Cardona Alexandros
The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.
The Adventures of Eliza Fraser
An old captain & his young wife share a lot of adventures after they're shipwrecked and captured by Aborigines on an island near Australia.
Testemunha da Loucura
Keoki (segment "Luau")
Neste filme de horror dividido em episódios, o Dr. Tremayne é um enigmático psiquiatra que dirige um manicômio e narra a um especialista o caso de quatro pacientes. O primeiro é um garotinho cujo amigo imaginário é um tigre; o segundo declarou ter sido possuído pelo espírito de um antepassado ao adquirir velhos bens que pertenciam ao falecido; o terceiro nutre uma bizarra obsessão por uma árvore cujo tronco lembra as formas de uma mulher, e o quarto caso é o de uma mulher envolvida acidentalmente com um cerimonial pagão e canibalismo. No final, a verdade sobre os quatro casos vem à tona.
The Blockhouse
A group of Slave workers, drafted by the Nazis to help construct their coastal defences in 1944, are trapped in an underground bunker when the Allies land at Normandy on D-Day. They find huge stores of food, but not enough candles. The slow dying of the light parallels their increasing boredom, illness, and jealousy during their entrapment. Based on the Novel 'Le Blockhaus' by Jean Paul Clebert
Nicholas e Alexandra
Tsar Nicholas II, the inept last monarch of Russia, insensitive to the needs of his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.
Condessa Drácula
Sergeant of Bailiffs
Hungria, século XVII. Depois de ficar viúva, a velha Condessa Elizabeth Nádasdy, da linhagem Báthory, descobre fortuitamente uma maneira de se tornar jovem novamente; mas o preço a ser pago por aqueles ao seu redor será alto e sangrento.
Sergeant in Bistro
An American intelligence agent attempts to kidnap a top Nazi general.
Where's Jack?
Based on the adventures of Jack Sheppard, the thief and jail-breaker who became a folk hero in 1720s London.
Inspetor Clouseau
French Taxi Driver
O inspetor francês Jacques Clouseau é emprestado ao governo inglês para atuar numa missão especial da Scotland Yard, que investiga a quadrilha responsável por um grande assalto. Vencendo as adversidades com suas trapalhadas, Clouseau acaba se tornando cúmplice de um novo assalto sem saber quando os bandidos usam máscaras imitando seu rosto para cometer o crime.
Tell Me Lies
Party Guest
Adapted and directed by Peter Brook from the Royal Shakespeare Company’s ‘production-in-progress US’, this long-unseen agitprop drama-doc – shot in London in 1967 and released only briefly in the UK and New York at the height of the Vietnam War – remains both thought-provoking and disturbing. A theatrical and cinematic social comment on US intervention in Vietnam, Brook’s film also reveals a 1960s London where art, theatre and political protest actively collude and where a young Glenda Jackson and RSC icons such as Peggy Ashcroft and Paul Scofield feature prominently on the front line. Multi-layered scenarios staged by Brook combine with newsreel footage, demonstrations, satirical songs and skits to illustrate the intensity of anti-war opinion within London’s artistic and intellectual community.
A Perseguição e o Assassinato de Jen-Paul Marat Desempenhados Pelos Loucos do Asilo de Charenton Sob a Direção do Marquês de Sade
In Charenton Asylum, the Marquis de Sade directs a play about Jean Paul Marat's death, using the patients as actors. Based on 'The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade', a 1963 play by Peter Weiss.