Van Driver
In this hilarious crime caper, a rich woman (Nell Carter) and her maid (Dinah Manoff) happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time -- and now, they're hotfooting it away from vicious mobsters who want to fit them for a couple pairs of cement overshoes. Can they stay free -- and alive -- long enough to gather evidence against the mobsters?
Pool Hall Manager
Hell's Kitchen, Nova Iorque. Terry Noonan volta para casa após uma ausência de dez anos. Ele logo se reconecta com Jackie, um amigo de infância e membro da máfia irlandesa, e reacende seu caso de amor com a irmã de Jackie, Kathleen.
A medical school dropout loses his fiancée in a tragic lawnmower incident and decides to bring her back to life. Unfortunately, he was only able to save her head, so he goes to the red light district in the city and lures prostitutes into a hotel room so he can collect body parts to reassemble her.