Lyudmila Stanukinas


Your Very Personal Poetry
This poetic core in youngsters is also touched in Stanukina's less known Your very personal poetry (Свои, совсем особые стихи, 1982), a wonderful film about a poetry class. It is here that one recalls Kogan's admiration of Lyalya's emotional documentary skills. And it is here that one recalls Kosakovsky's depiction of Lyalya as a person of extraordinarily prosperous feelings, sensitive and energetic, childish and female, shrill and quiet. The young poets are marvellously sneaky, respectfully adoring and creatively playing with - maybe even deconstructing - "Aleksandr Sergeevich", Mr. Pushkin, Russia's exclusive trade mark of high culture and literature.
A Tram Runs through the City
The film observes and records the people travelling, adding to this very simple but effective visual set a pure (and magic) pot pourri of designed and recorded voices and sounds. Hereby not only the people become human beings alive, but also the city awakens.
Moving Day
This is a story about how a family with many children moves into a new apartment in a newly constructed apartment building. The film “Moving Day” won a Silver Dragon Award at the 7th Krakow Film Festival. The jury’s decision stated: “For the warm and soulful relationship between the director and subjects of the film, expressed in a laconic form.”