Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the DJs, decks, drug busts and hilltop raves, he stumbles across a familiar face from the past, his brother Daniel. Daniel is an educated homeless heroin addict living on the streets of Dublin. The brothers haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years but over a lost weekend they reconnect and reminisce over tunes, trips, their history and their city. Two brothers living on the edge but perhaps they have more in common than they think.
Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the DJs, decks, drug busts and hilltop raves, he stumbles across a familiar face from the past, his brother Daniel. Daniel is an educated homeless heroin addict living on the streets of Dublin. The brothers haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years but over a lost weekend they reconnect and reminisce over tunes, trips, their history and their city. Two brothers living on the edge but perhaps they have more in common than they think.
A man wakes from a coma speaking a fully formed but unrecognizable language baffling linguistic experts from around the globe.
Since 2008 the recession has been the biggest story in Ireland. Nobody has gone untouched by the catastrophic collapse of house prices, the banking system and the Celtic Tiger feelgood factor. The Break is a story about how Tim, a father of two, tried to cope for the first few months after everything went wrong.
Gang Member
Um jovem soldado britânico é acidentalmente abandonado por sua unidade, depois de um aterrorizante conflito nas ruas de Belfast, em 1971. Incapaz de distinguir amigos de inimigos, o inexperiente recruta tem que sobreviver sozinho durante à noite e escapar em segurança, emmeio a um ambiente estranho, desordenado e mortal.
Uma competição de música irlandesa tradicional atrai os melhores músicos da Irlanda. Os dois principais rivais nessa disputa são John Joe (Bernard Hill) – que, com sua banda, interpreta temas folclóricos e representa o condado de Clare – e Jimmy (Colin Meaney). O detalhe é que, não bastando, os dois líderes são irmão que não se falam há muito tempo.