Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age explores the world of Broadway from 1959 through the early 1980s as recounted by a diverse cast of Broadway stars who lived through it, creating a first-hand archive of personal backstage stories and memories. The new documentary is the long-awaited sequel to late filmmaker Rick McKay’s award-winning 2003 film Broadway: The Golden Age, continuing the saga into the '60s and '70s and spotlighting beloved classic Broadway shows including Once Upon a Mattress, Bye Bye Birdie, Barefoot in the Park, Pippin, A Chorus Line, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Chicago, and 42nd Street. Featuring a galaxy of stars including Alec Baldwin, Carol Burnett, Glenn Close, André De Shields, Jane Fonda, Robert Goulet, Liza Minnelli, Chita Rivera, Dick Van Dyke, Ben Vereen, and many more, the film also includes rare archival photos and never-before-seen footage both onstage and off.
Two teen song-writers saddle up their West coast '65 Mustang convertible and head East, answering the call to Yasgur's farm, to debut their original music at the Woodstock Music Festival.
Executive Producer
Gypsy's mother Rose dreams of a life in show business for her daughters, but Louise becomes a huge burlesque star. Stage musical loosely based on the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee.
Sheriff Dylan
Iraq combat veteran Roy Matthews returns from one war only to fight another war at home, a war against the PTSD that threatens to destroy him and his family.
A film crew hijacks their company's current production and improves it behind the director's back.
Andrew Marsh (Michael Forest) é um milionário que foi encontrado morto na cama, aparentemente assassinado devido à presença de vestígios de cocaína em seu sangue. A principal suspeita é Rebecca Carlson (Madonna), sua namorada, que é bem mais nova que ele e é a principal beneficiada no testamento. Antes mesmo de ser chamada pela polícia, Rebecca resolve contratar Frank Dulaney (Willem Dafoe) como seu advogado. Ao conhecê-la melhor Frank passa a descofiar que o estilo sexual agressivo de sua cliente possa ter causado a morte de Andrew.
TV Man
Story of the model who was assaulted that left her face disfigured. It begins when she comes to New York City and would get work as a model. A guy she met on one of her shoots gets her an apartment in a building he manages. He is constantly hitting on her but she rebuffs him. When he can't take it anymore he sends two men to attack her.
Silent since losing his hearing to meningitis, young Toby Wyler takes a bitter stance against the world and his family, refusing to accept his new stepfather. But when a highly trained orangutan named Casey is thrown from a truck near Toby's home, the boy soon has a secret friend he can communicate with via sign language.