Kiyokazu Ishizuka


Usobuki Tadashi usa ternos pretos, tem olhos vermelhos e é um assassino. Ninguém sabe sobre o seu passado. Ele recebe solicitações de clientes que estão cheios de desejo ou ódio. Usobuki executa o seu trabalho usando métodos como o poder da sugestão e, consequentemente, sai ileso de seus crimes.
Night's Tightrope
Yuki is a 2nd year high school student. She volunteers at a paediatrics ward for her summer vacation, because she wants to witness the moment a person dies. She got that thought after feeling envious of a transfer student's story of seeing a friend's dead body. Yuki has friend named Atsuko. She was bullied in the past and has anxiety issues. She volunteers at a nursing home for her summer vacation, hoping that she will gain courage if she sees the moment a person dies.