SWAT Leader
Com o Tenente Jim Gordon e o Procurador-geral Harvey Dent, Batman decide destruir o crime organizado. Mas surge um criminoso em ascensão, Joker, que leva Gotham à anarquia e força o Dark Knight a ficar perto de passar de herói a vigilante.
Handsome Train Man
Loneliness and regret encompass a small neighborhood in Chicago, and its residents will do anything to change their lives. Under divine circumstances, they are given their wish. Dimension follows the tragic tale of Chance Pullman, and the way in which his own troubled past comes to affect and change the lives of those who come into contact with him. A reminder of how the littlest things often have the biggest consequences, Chance provides strangers and close friends with the opportunity to completely alter their life, but with one limitation: They can only change exactly three inches about themselves.
"Dustclouds" is an epic fever-dream, chronicling a long night's journey into day. As his wedding carriage rides beneath a starlit night, Getz vows to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Having worked his whole life, he has finally married. Yet as he lies in his bride's embrace, Getz already starts to question his happiness. Deep within, he yearns for "the perfect," which puts strain on his marriage. As the night progresses, inner turmoil unravels the fabric of Getz's being. Years begin to pass like seconds. Time, identity and purpose become unstuck. And a great sadness is borne into his life. Getz longs for answers, but is terrified by what he could lose in his search for truth? What follows is a quest deep into his heart of darkness.
Limo Driver
Essa família desunida é transformada pelo recém-chegado Tio Nino (Pierrino Mascarino, Lágrimas do Sol), um velho italiano que resolve fazer uma visita surpresa para eles. As maneiras simples e antiquadas de Tio Nino fazem dele um espécime curioso na vizinhança e motivo de vergonha para Robert. No entanto, Tio Nino é capaz de, aos poucos, criar laços com cada membro da família e ensinar a Robert como aproveitar as pequenas alegrias da vida: boa comida, boa música, mas acima de tudo, La Famiglia! Tio Nino é um raro filme sobre a família, cuja história simples e o humor leve podem ser desfrutados por todas as idades.
Security Guard (Bob)
Depois que uma briga nos corredores da escola fere acidentalmente um policial de segurança, adolescentes frustrados se rebelam e fazem o policial de refém, enquanto mantêm suas exigências por melhores condições de estudo, apesar de uma ameaçadora resposta da polícia.