Benjamin Voisin

Benjamin Voisin

Nascimento : 1996-12-24, Parigi, Francia


Benjamin Voisin (born 24 December 1996) is an French actor. Known for Summer of 85 (2020), Simon's Got a Gift (2019) and Emma (2016).


Benjamin Voisin
Benjamin Voisin
Benjamin Voisin
Benjamin Voisin
Benjamin Voisin
Benjamin Voisin


Soul Mates
David Faber
Lieutenant of the French forces engaged in Mali, David Faber is seriously burned during the explosion of his armored vehicle. Repatriated to France for intensive care, he must begin a long convalescence, under the worried but devoted gaze of his sister Jeanne. They meet again in the family house in the Alps, between mountains, lake and forests. Jeanne tries to reconnect her brother with the past, but David, who suffers from amnesia after the accident, does not seem to be interested in reconciling with the man he used to be.
One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.
Ilusões Perdidas
Lucien de Rubempré
Lucien é um jovem poeta desconhecido da França do século XIX. Ele tem grandes esperanças e quer escolher seu destino. Ele larga a gráfica de sua província natal para tentar a sorte em Paris, nos braços de sua protetora. Logo deixado por conta própria na fabulosa vila, o jovem rapaz vai descobrir os bastidores de um mundo condenado à lei do lucro e das falsidades. Uma comédia humana na qual tudo se compra e se vende, da literatura à imprensa, da política aos sentimentos, das reputações às almas. Ele vai amar, sofrer, e sobreviver às suas ilusões.
O Baile das Loucas
Théophile Cléry
Eugénie tem um dom: ela ouve e vê os mortos. Quando sua família descobre este segredo, no fim do século XIX, seu pai e seu irmão a internam na clínica neurológica La Pitié Salpêtrière, sem chance de escapar. Seu destino se entrelaça com o de Geneviève, enfermeira da clínica. O encontro muda o futuro das duas, enquanto se preparam para o "Baile das Loucas", evento anual organizado pelo Dr. Charcot.
Verão de 85
David Gorman
Nos anos 80, um verão na Normandia marca o começo da idade adulta para Aléxis, que tem no melhor amigo o primeiro contato com o amor e, quando este não é correspondido, o destino pode se mostrar imprevisível.
Simon's Got a Gift
Simon, a young orphan, has an extraordinary power : he can take on the appearance of people he’s already touched. When his best friend dies in an accident, there is no witness. Simon decides to steal his place in his family. Ten years later, the truth will get more and more difficult to bear and to hide...
Man Up!
Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?
Falling for Love
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
O Príncipe Feliz
Icônico autor, Oscar Wilde passou por momentos difíceis. Casado com Constance, o dramaturgo vai parar atrás das grades após se envolver com outro homem. Tempos depois, ele é solto e inicia uma viagem pela Europa, local que será palco de seus três últimos anos de vida.
Death in the Soul
Alex Lagnier
Tristan Delmas, jovem advogado ambicioso, é encarregado de defender Marc Lagnier. Este se acusa pelo homicídio do filho, mas recusa-se a dar explicações, reivindica sua culpa e quer ser condenado. Para descobrir a verdade, Tristan pesquisa o passado dos Lagnier, uma família sufocada pelos não ditos e os segredos...
Nobody's Perfect!
Gerard is tired of being taken for a good apple by his beautiful family. He leaves everything and starts a garage in a village nestled at the bottom of the Gâtinais ... In front of the garage, there is a lovely inn, run by Barbara: a beautiful woman, disconcerting, mysterious, unpredictable. Their encounter will spark ...
Summoned to a mysterious meeting, Poppy, Vincent, Gaspard, and Adèle find themselves in front of a worn down bar, on the seaside, in Ostende. Rapidly, the four of them discover that they are not here by coincidence: in learning that they are half-brothers and sisters, they inherit the bar as well. With one mission: rebuild the restaurant together.
La Théorie de l'information
La Rosalie
Set at the end of the 19th century, the film recounts the destiny of the first bearded woman, at the heart of a love story.