Charles Rotherham


Cão Vermelho: True Blue
First Assistant Director
Uma icônica história australiana de família, amizade e aventura, entre um jovem e um cão meio 'marrudo' que cresce para se tornar uma lenda australiana. Existe um filme anterior sobre o Red Dog, Cão Vermelho (2011), o famoso cão australiano que tem até uma estátua. A expressão 'True-Blue' significa Extremamente Leal. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Frankenstein: Entre Anjos e Demônios
First Assistant Director
Após enterrar o Dr. Victor Frankenstein, o monstro criado por ele é atacado por demônios, que pretendem capturá-lo. Ele consegue se salvar e segue sua vida. Porém, 200 anos depois, o monstro, agora com o nome de Adam, acaba se envolvendo em uma guerra entre dois clãs imortais na cidade ancestral de Darkhaven.
A Caverna
First Assistant Director
Quando um sistema de cavernas desconhecido é descoberto debaixo de uma abadia romana do século 13, uma equipe de profissionais, em busca de emoções, é enviado para fazer buscas na área, a fim de detectar sinais de um novo ecossistema. A boa notícia é que eles encontram vida; a má notícia é que podem não viver tempo suficiente para contar a alguém.
Soft Fruit
First Assistant Director
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.
First Assistant Director
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.
Vacant Possession
First Assistant Director
Following the death of her mother Tessa (Pamela Rabe), a young woman, returns after many years to the weather-beaten family home on the shores of Sydney's Botany Bay. But the old family home begins to bring old wounds more and more to life. The story unfolds through flashbacks yet as it progresses the flashbacks merge into the present as it becomes apparent that the situation Tessa has returned to is very much the result of that which passed before.
Hurricane Smith - Tempestade em Ação
First Assistant Director
Quando sua mãe morre, o valentão Billy Smith vai a Austrália para dar as más notícias à irmã. Lá chegando, porém, descobre que ela está desaparecida e decide investigar por conta própria, deixando uma trilha de destruição ao enfrentar, sozinho, a máfia local.
Flertando - Aprendendo a Viver
First Assistant Director
Two freethinking teenagers - a boy and a girl - confront with authoritarian teachers in their boarding schools. The other students treat this differently.
The Year My Voice Broke
First Assistant Director
Set in 1962, a young prepubescent boy in rural Australia watches painfully as his best friend and first love blossoms into womanhood and falls for a thuggish rugby player, changing the lives of everyone involved.
Dead Easy
Second Assistant Director
Three young friends trying to break into the entertainment business inadvertently anger a mob boss, setting in motion a chain of events that results in their being hunted by every thug and killer in town.