Fernando Sarfatti

Fernando Sarfatti

Nascimento : , Mexico City, Mexico


Fernando Sarfatti


O Mais Simples É Complicar Tudo
Renata está apaixonada por Leonardo, o melhor amigo de seu meio-irmão. Porém, ele conhece Suzana e decide que ela é a mulher de sua vida. Renata, então, cria um plano para separá-los.
El diario de una prostituta 2
Two university students try to make a documentary about a prostitute and her origins, but they enter an unknown world where sex, drugs and death are the daily bread.
Crímenes de pasión 2
After being the best hit man of all time, now he has to be the victim of a revenge that not even with all the men in the world could finish him off. However, they only left him with a thirst for revenge which increased his level of cruelty to settle scores, because if anyone knows about this perverse business, it is the famous Quebrantahuesos.
Chapo: A Fuga do Século
Inspirado por fatos reais, este drama reconta o plano de fuga da prisão do chefe do trafico mexicano Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo
Alta infidelidad
Three couples, three destinies, three stories: a man imagines his life a disaster due to the abandonment of his wife; a successful model who is unfaithful to her own agency and the reunion of a man and a woman who are unfaithful to their respective partners.
Efeito Colateral
Gordon Brewer é um bombeiro que perde sua esposa e filho em um atentado terrorista organizado por Claudio Perrini. Como as investigações oficiais do governo americano parecem não chegar a lugar algum, Brewer decide então perseguir o próprio Claudio, se envolvendo em um complicado jogo que o leva até a Colômbia.
Snake Skin
Óscar de la Serna
After returning from a trip, a young dentist discovers that her home has been ransacked. Determined to recover part of her belongings, the protagonist initiates a criminal process within a corrupt and ineffective justice system that turns her life into a nightmare.
The Magic Hour
Minerva, a middle age writer, decides to break the uncertainty that prevents her from creating the novel that for years she has nested in her mind. Unintentionally, she returns to the port where she was born and she encounters a past full of ghosts and chimeras. Paradoxically, she founds herself because of this journey back home, so she begins writing the story of her life, of her own childhood, with its magical past and tragedy.