Nemo Garvey
A popular group of video game content creators must face the ultimate lesson in teamwork when a haunted multiplayer game begins killing them one by one.
Marcus (archive footage) (uncredited)
Quatro anos após os eventos de Halloween Kills, Laurie Strode está morando com sua neta Allyson Nelsone, terminando de escrever seu livro de memórias. Michael Myers não foi visto desde então. Laurie, depois de permitir que o espectro de Michael determinasse e conduzisse sua realidade por décadas, decidiu se libertar do medo e da raiva e abraçar a vida. Mas quando um jovem, Corey Cunningham, é acusado de matar um menino que ele estava cuidando, isso desencadeia uma cascata de violência e terror que forçará Laurie a finalmente enfrentar o mal que ela não pode controlar, de uma vez por todas.
Detroit Reawakening tells the origin story of a newly awakened android, Nines, and his enemies-to-lovers journey with his human partner, Detective Gavin Reed. Although lovers in the present, Gavin and Nines nostalgically reflect on their rocky early history, and the day that changed everything in their relationship. Built in the world of the video game Detroit Become Human, this short fan film comes from homegrown love of its fandom, and the Reed900 ship.
Laurie Strode acredita que enfim venceu a luta contra Michael Myers, mas é surpreendida pelo seu retorno. Determinada a pôr um ponto final em seus ataques, ela e outros sobreviventes decidem enfrentá-lo e acabar com o ciclo de uma vez por todas.
It's been one year since Markus freed the androids of Detroit. The most advanced android ever created, Nines, has evolved past his initial programming as a ruthless hunter, and now protects the city as a DPD detective. But as new crimes and dangers start to threaten RK900 himself, he must also juggle his growing fondness for his partner, Detective Gavin Reed, and navigate everything that they mean to one another.
As part of the 2019 Aix-en-Provence Opera Festival, filmmaker Christophe Honoré delivers an innovative staging of Giacomo Puccini's famous drama. His cleverly staged "opera within the opera" is a melancholy homage to the fascinating figure of the diva, who thrives on art and love and upsets the laws of time and death.
Hunky Doctor
Quatro década depois de escapar do ataque de Michael Myers em uma noite de Halloween, Laurie Strode precisa confrontar o assassino mascarado mais uma vez após ele escapar de uma instituição. Mas, agora Laurie está preparada.
Mills Valet
Rob Anderson (Marlon Wayans) definitivamente detesta responsabilidades. Evitando ao máximo os deveres da vida adulta, ela está desesperado com a possibilidade de se casar. E sua desregrada vida lhe reservou uma surpresa trágica: ele acorda misteriosamente pelado no dia de seu casamento, dentro do elevador de um hotel.
Ein nackter Jüngling
One of the greatest revolutions in the history of mankind happened around 3000 years ago: the transition from polytheism to monotheism through the prophet Moses. God revealed himself directly to Moses, instructing him in absolute truth. Moses was charged with leading the people of Israel to the Promised Land and escaping from Egyptian slavery. Moses came to embody the relationship between the human and divine truth. God’s call to Moses presented a new idea that exploded all previous religious concepts: ‘One God – unique, eternal, intangible, inconceivable’. Moses understands this concept, but is unable to express it, and therefore God appoints Moses’ brother Aaron as his spokesman. They are bound to fail: Aaron can only approach sharing the idea by compromising its meaning, whilst Moses is left to search fruitlessly for “the word I lack …”
This production of Arnold Schoenbergs opera was filmed during the Ruhrtriennale 2009.
On the Road Again
A Detroit: Become Human fan film that follows on from the game, which explores the relationship between a human cop and his android partner – a freed RK900 (a successor to Connor’s Deviant Hunter model).