Ketevan Bochorishvili


You Can't Take an Island with You
A young girl is trying to save an island which is endangered by nearby construction.
Some Interviews on Personal Matters
Mamida Keto
Sophiko, a well-known journalist, seems to be more close to many of her respondents when they need her advice than to his family members. All engrossed in her work, she suddenly finds out that she is losing her husband who has started a love affair with another woman. Of course, it strikes her badly but life never lets her to concentrate on her personal problems.
Grandmothers and Grandchildren
The Great Patriotic War is coming to an end. Six-year-old Zuriko lives with his grandmother in a small Georgian village. His mother abandoned him and his father is at the front. The boy waits for his father, but he doesn't come back from the war alone, but with a new wife, Iano. A conflict arises between the three.
Father of a Soldier
Mariya, Georgiy's wife
During World War II, оld Georgian peasant wine-grower Georgy leaves his Georgian village and goes off to the front line, hoping to find his son. George should see and transfer a lot of things, he becomes a soldier and only in the last days of war finds the son...